What, If Any, Shrimp?


sic itur ad astra
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
Bury, UK
Hi, I have a 105l tropical tank, (3ft long) which is home to 6 Tiger Barbs, 6 Praecox Rainbowfish, 4 Corys and 1 Featherfin Catfish (who will be moving out when my 4ft tank is cycled) I am looking for some sort of algae eater but other than Otos (fragile) or Bristlenose Plecs (still a possibility) they all seem too big. I am also planning to get 4 YoYo Loaches (the ones in my LFS are babies at about 3cm at present)

Someone suggested Fan Shrimp? Would they fit in this tank and if so how many? If not are there any other shrimp that could work?

One other question, Tiger Barbs are prone to Ich but I know invertebrates are sensitive to medications, what meds do you you for a tank with shrimp in it?

Filter feeding shrimp need a good flow of well oxgenated water in the tank and ideally need to be target fed with small enough food.

A lot of other shrimp will end up as food to the YoYo loaches and maybe the tiger barbs (if you get small shrimp and the barbs are full grown). I have cherry shrimp and while they are small they are very pretty and are also one of the hardier shrimp species.

Almost all shrimp like to be kept in groups.

With regards to meds i dont know. The majority will contain copper which will kill the shrimp. I'm not sure if there are any invert safe ich meds.
A BN pleco is your best choice for an algae eater, a single or a mated/compatible pair for that size tank. Fan-feeding shrimp aren't particularly useful for algae control, though amano's would be somewheat helpful.
I have a BN pleco that does a great job as well as amano shrimp. The suggestion I've heard on amano is 1 per gallon but I think you can make do with a 1/2 ratio or even more than that. If something goes for the shrimp be prepared for them to hop ship if you don't have a lid on that thing. I've lost a couple jittery ones that way.

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