What I Want


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Elk Grove, CA
I currently have a 28 gallon tank and i am now planning to put catfish in it. I would like to no matter what have two featherfins. After that i would like to add a hoplo would that be possible? if not would one featherfin and a hoplo work? and if all three can go in how many more fish could i get?
you could keep all 3 in the tank but you would have to watch the water quality. And it won't give the featherfins much room to swim.
A pair of hoplos would be ok.
so would it be better to get a single feather fin and hoplo? and as for a algae fish what should i do about that, for the combo of the 3 fish, or for the combo of the 2
For algae control maybe a rainbow or redtail black shark or bristlenose catfish.
1 hoplo
1 bristlenose
1 featherfin
well i guess ill end up doing that, i really wanted two featherfins but its for whats best for the fish i guess, thank you for your help
Dimensions would give a better idea of how much room they will have,

from experiecne i'll say that two syno eupterus in a 28G will lead to quite a few territorial disputes, as would a synodontis and a bristlenose
eh...im so lost, i have no idea what to put in my tank, it seems nothign is ever going to work...can someone just throw out some suggestions
eh...im so lost, i have no idea what to put in my tank, it seems nothign is ever going to work...can someone just throw out some suggestions

I think that a sybo eupterus (featherfin) and 2 hoplos could work provided there are plenty of caves and hiding places.

Although the syno nigriventris (upside down catfish) may be a better choice as they only get to 4" unlike the eupterus (featherfins) which can get to 8". with these you would easily be able to keep a small group of say 4, with 2 hoplos and even a shoal of free swimming fish such as tetras, barbs or livebearers.
well i finally found a featherfin, but it seems no where, where i live has the hoplo, what would be another good tank mate (doesnt have to be catfish)
look on aquabid.i bet i could find one for sale online from a good source if u want.i know some breeders.

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