What I Own/have Owned


Fish Fanatic
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Nevada, MO
Seeing a post on silkies made me want to post what I have and/or have owned. I recently moved and had to give up almost everything.

I currently have (at my grandparents') some OEG and a pair of Ameraucana Bantams. In the past I've owned Silkies, OEG, OEGB, d'Uccles, Ameraucanas in standard and bantam, silver phoenix, silver spangled spitzhaubens, giant and standard cochins, golden lakenvelders, broilers, faverolles, cornish, production reds, new hampshire reds, dominiques, langshans, and several other varieties.

I also own or have owned call ducks, standard ducks (my own special mix that was a heavy breed that could still fly), runner ducks, muscovy ducks, toulouse geese, canada geese, red golden pheasants, silver pheasants, pigeons, ringneck doves, diamond doves, fish (of course!), woodlice (I know, a little weird, but I have an extremely weird variety of orange and pink ones that I'm breeding), salamanders, cats, dogs, dwarf hamsters, syrian hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, cockatiels, budgerigars, parrotlets, lovebirds, zebra finches, turkeys, peafowl, button quail, japanese quail, holland lop rabbits, netherland dwarf rabbits, chinchillas, nigerian dwarf goats, babydoll sheep, and other assorted odds and ends from time to time that I don't remember at the moment.
Well, you asked for it. Here's a ton of pics for you to enjoy (or suffer over!). There are roughly 70, so they are just as links and semi categorized for your and my convenience.

Domestics AKA Dogs and Cats:
Three of Last Year's Kittens
My (Deceased) Siamese Male and My Grey Female
My Fiance's Deceased Flame Point Siamese
(We have a lot of problems with cars and cats not mixing well. Our cats like to run over cars. *cough* Oh, and not pictured is my dilute calico female. Mother of the kittens and the grey cat.)

Our Three Dogs Riley, Brandy, and Kaia
Riley and Kaia Happy to See Us When We Went To My Grandparents - Brandy Was Preoccupied
Brandy Still Preoccupied
The Reason Brandy Was Preoccupied
Riley Again
(Riley is a wolf/german shepherd/unknown hybrid. Kaia is a Great Pyrenees/Redbone Coon-hound Cross. Brandy is very mutt - Irish Setter, Chow, Pit Bull, Lab, German Shepherd.)

Big Pile of Rats
Baby Gerbil Saying Hello
Dwarf Hamster Male
Dwarf Hamster Female
Long Haired Pink-Eyed White Male Mouse
Pile of Mixed-Age Female Mice

My Favourite Tiel I Ever Raised, Tiger - Died From Being Egg-bound
Water + Tiel = Mass of Feathers
Sweetie and Max Protecting Eggs
Akira - Sold
Bundle of Four Baby Tiels

Some of the Tiels, Budgies, P-lets I had in 2003/4
Sam and Sierra - Lovebirds
Two Young Lovebirds
Very Young Lovebird

Two Female Budgies
Lutino Budgie

Male (Duddits) and Female (Xynia) Parrotlet
Younger Pic of Duddits

Pigeons and Doves:
Male Roller
Male Indian Fantail
Young Male Roller
Young Female Roller
Getting Loved on by My Big Baby Male Indian Fantail
Big Group of My Pigeons

Peach Ringneck Dove Female
Young Blue White-tailed Diamond Dove Female

Young Black Spanish Female (She Followed Me Like a Dog)
Pair of Tame Eastern Wild Turkeys

Trio of Japanese Quail (Tuxedo, Italian, Pharaoh Colours)
Bunch of Young Button Quail

Silver Pheasant Cock
Poor Quality Melanistic Mutant Ringneck Pheasant Cock
(Couldn't find a pic of my red goldens.)

Splash OEGB Pullet
Blue OEGB Pullet
Broiler Cockerel
Mini Pit Games (From Standard OEG Parents!)
Three d'Uccle Chicks
Game Chicks with Mama
Some of Those Half-Grown
Giant Cochin Roo
Golden Neck d'Uccle Pullet
Side-shot of a Young Silver Phoenix Cockerel Tail

Pair of Toulouse Geese
Geese and Ducks Far Off (Yes, the Canada is mine.)

Group of Ducklings Following Mama
Calls and East Indies

Young Barred Muscovy Hen
Muscovies - Blue Drake, Barred Hen Older, Pied Hen
Chocolate Muscovy Hen, Same Pied Hen

Ruby-Eyed White Holland Lop Doe
Chinchilla Holland Lop Junior Doe
(My fiance shows Holland Lops.)

Pair of Blue-Eyed Nigerian Dwarf Goat Does
Babydoll Sheep Ram

Pair of Zebra Finches
More Zebra Finches
Baby Zebra Finch

Pet Starling
Small Fence Lizard
Male Doormouse

Have fun! :good: :yahoo:
Allllllllllllllllllllll very cute :D Love the LH mouse :)

But for your hamster, who is also adorible, you should pick the corn out of the food as dwarfs(especially Russian campbell dwarfs and winter white dwarfs) are prone to diabetes and corn, peas, carrots, fruits and store bought treats should all be avoided.

Allllllllllllllllllllll very cute :D Love the LH mouse :)

But for your hamster, who is also adorible, you should pick the corn out of the food as dwarfs(especially Russian campbell dwarfs and winter white dwarfs) are prone to diabetes and corn, peas, carrots, fruits and store bought treats should all be avoided.


I don't have them anymore. :no:
(Edit: It was okay, though. They really didn't like the corn. My dwarfs were pretty picky eaters. [Unlike the mice and rats!])

That was only a small taste of what I have owned, though. There are several chicken breeds I didn't put pics up of and lots of other things. I had over 25 cockatiels at one time, so you only see a fraction of those.

I miss my pets. :-(

Of everything pictured and more, all I have left (here with me) would be three diamond doves, six button quail, and six cockatiels. I'm not even supposed to have that many.

At my grandparents, all that is left are two cats, four dogs (they are trying to get rid of Kaia, though), like 6-8 chickens, four muscovies, two geese, and like 4-5 pigeons since they were dumb and let the rollers free-range. (Which makes them easy prey to hawks.) Well, and my 55 gallon of guppies...

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