Fish Fanatic
Seeing a post on silkies made me want to post what I have and/or have owned. I recently moved and had to give up almost everything.
I currently have (at my grandparents') some OEG and a pair of Ameraucana Bantams. In the past I've owned Silkies, OEG, OEGB, d'Uccles, Ameraucanas in standard and bantam, silver phoenix, silver spangled spitzhaubens, giant and standard cochins, golden lakenvelders, broilers, faverolles, cornish, production reds, new hampshire reds, dominiques, langshans, and several other varieties.
I also own or have owned call ducks, standard ducks (my own special mix that was a heavy breed that could still fly), runner ducks, muscovy ducks, toulouse geese, canada geese, red golden pheasants, silver pheasants, pigeons, ringneck doves, diamond doves, fish (of course!), woodlice (I know, a little weird, but I have an extremely weird variety of orange and pink ones that I'm breeding), salamanders, cats, dogs, dwarf hamsters, syrian hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, cockatiels, budgerigars, parrotlets, lovebirds, zebra finches, turkeys, peafowl, button quail, japanese quail, holland lop rabbits, netherland dwarf rabbits, chinchillas, nigerian dwarf goats, babydoll sheep, and other assorted odds and ends from time to time that I don't remember at the moment.
I currently have (at my grandparents') some OEG and a pair of Ameraucana Bantams. In the past I've owned Silkies, OEG, OEGB, d'Uccles, Ameraucanas in standard and bantam, silver phoenix, silver spangled spitzhaubens, giant and standard cochins, golden lakenvelders, broilers, faverolles, cornish, production reds, new hampshire reds, dominiques, langshans, and several other varieties.
I also own or have owned call ducks, standard ducks (my own special mix that was a heavy breed that could still fly), runner ducks, muscovy ducks, toulouse geese, canada geese, red golden pheasants, silver pheasants, pigeons, ringneck doves, diamond doves, fish (of course!), woodlice (I know, a little weird, but I have an extremely weird variety of orange and pink ones that I'm breeding), salamanders, cats, dogs, dwarf hamsters, syrian hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, cockatiels, budgerigars, parrotlets, lovebirds, zebra finches, turkeys, peafowl, button quail, japanese quail, holland lop rabbits, netherland dwarf rabbits, chinchillas, nigerian dwarf goats, babydoll sheep, and other assorted odds and ends from time to time that I don't remember at the moment.