What i got and will it go well??


Oct 27, 2002
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in my tank i have the following:

2 black perks
2 anemones
pink and black sea cucumber
red sea cucumber
2 sea apples
1 black sea urchin
4 assorted corals
1 carrabean fan work
1 brittle star
1 sand shifting star
2 sea hares
2 arrow crabs
2 decorator crabs
4 cleaner shrimps
1 red tailed blenny
4 turbo snails
4 blue legged hermit crabs
a pair of boxer shrimp
1 mud skipper
2 gobys
1 dragon wrasse
1 false gramma
1 looby worm

With all these in one tank, are they likely to be ok? as i wud like to know b4 its too late if any are eaten or will die from the cause of another??
thx for any advice thx..

macpegg :)
2 sea apples :blink:

extremly tempermental/ will kill every thing in your tank if prevoked

2 gobys :(

can be very agressive torward each other

2 anemones :/

can burn off goby's dorsel fin if stung

and what size tank do you have? :dunno:
2 black perks

Are these percula clowns? Be sure to introduce them together as juveniles, or they will fight.

2 anemones

Get only one, and be sure that it is compatible with clownfish. Two anemones tend to seek each other out, and one will kill the other. This will result in massive pollution, killing the winner (and everything else).

pink and black sea cucumber
red sea cucumber
2 sea apples

WRONG. The sea apples are good only alone and in a species tank, with NO fish. The sea cucumbers are also sea apples, and vice versa, and so the same rules apply.

1 black sea urchin
4 assorted corals

What type of corals? Be sure to leave plenty of space. Sea urchins can be problematic, so be cautious with this one.

2 sea hares

Unless you have a huge supply of algae, forget it. They will decimate all of your algae, and will die within a few weeks after your algae is gone.

4 turbo snails
4 blue legged hermit crabs

Hermit crabs and snails are natural enemies. The crabs will eat the snails right away, even though the empty snail shells may prove useless to them. Also, if you're going to get a sea hare (see above comment), it will quickly out-eat the snails and hermits.

a pair of boxer shrimp

These may or may not fight with the other shrimp and crabs. Be cautious. Make sure they're a mated pair, or they will fight, kill, and consume each other.

1 dragon wrasse

Dragon wrasse are known as "rockmovers". They will rearrange your tank in short order, and will try just about anything. They are very hard to keep in a reef tank (which yours looks like it is), and they will disturb your corals, urchin, sea hares, anemones, shrimp, crabs, and more. I would save this fish only for a large, fish-only aquarium.

This is a huge number of organisms. Just how big is your tank, anyways?

Hope this helps,
I saw sea apples and went "OH NO" didn't we just have a member loose all of his fish to one about a week ago? It was devestating... :(

OMG I see a huge loss in the future :S

Unless this was an april fools joke

6x2x2. for the reef, another one for fish only, and a 3ft for excess untill i decide what im doing, i get alot givin, and also take stuff off people if they decide they can`t handle the the whole thing.. so i take things cheaply :) to my satisfaction, and then just set others up, i have also 3 other 6ftx2x2`s for tropical, which i may decide to sell and set them up as marine also, i have not quite decided yet, as i a few unusual species, and would set up prices for them, as it took be bloody ages to get a hold of em in the 1st place.

Ive also just found out that one of the anemones, is a carpet one. the dragon wrasse ive moved in with the fish only system as i saw it nibble on me corels aswell as trying to attack the male of the boxer shrimp, the sea apples are ok as far as i can see. the looby worm just wanders around and the black perks are a pair so their fine, i did introduce 6 common clowns but they did`nt go well as i thought they wud take up the 2nd anmeone, but instead they wanted to take the black perks anemone, they went into a seperate 3 ft tank. i was given a rock beauty angel fish and a cherub angel fish, but are too small to be placed in with the the fish only system as a have a fuly grown yellow bar angel fish plus a lion and a wrasse. so placed them in with the clowns the cherub wont grow as big so might just sell or give him away. the 6ft reef tank is full of live rock, and plenty of hiding places the little fish are quite happy aswell as the gobys etc.. but wil obviously keep my eye on em.
oh ok i thought you had all that stuff in one tank i was alittle worried hope every thing works out. :thumbs:
so i do lol, only started marining about a year ago.. so things are progressing. im getting a 4ft wide, by 3 front to back, and 3 high, that will be nice for a reef setup, as the middle coud be bare with tll the bits and bobs around the sides and back, so everything just pop out hopefully.. have too many takns at the mo though, so may need to get rid of a few, from when i started out with 2x1x1 to have 4 6ft tanks, 2 4ft tanks, a 2 2xft tanks.. things are getting a litlle over crowded.. heh :thumbs:

but its a passion... so i wud prob cry getting rid of any of em.. :sad:
Mac, you need about a hundred more crabs and snails. The snails will perish bit by bit, but replenishing them is part of the game.

One arrow crab in a tank will eventually eat all your shrimp as it grows larger, I hesitate to think of two of them.

i thought that too, so i`ve sold the smaller one of the two to a friend and kept the larger one seperate.. trial error i guess, but errors cost a lot of dosh, so im learning quick, im also gonna seperate the sea apples, as im weary of them also.. eventually it will be sorted, just now rather than later :)
u say a hundred craps?? the snails im reduced on coz i have sea hares, i guess the snails just take up the algae which the sea hares need, the crabs i guess you mean just for left food thats on the bottom?
Yes Mac, on the snails, if your algae is under control, OK. But on crabs, they say if you can count how many you have, it is not enough... :D


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