in my tank i have the following:
2 black perks
2 anemones
pink and black sea cucumber
red sea cucumber
2 sea apples
1 black sea urchin
4 assorted corals
1 carrabean fan work
1 brittle star
1 sand shifting star
2 sea hares
2 arrow crabs
2 decorator crabs
4 cleaner shrimps
1 red tailed blenny
4 turbo snails
4 blue legged hermit crabs
a pair of boxer shrimp
1 mud skipper
2 gobys
1 dragon wrasse
1 false gramma
1 looby worm
With all these in one tank, are they likely to be ok? as i wud like to know b4 its too late if any are eaten or will die from the cause of another??
thx for any advice thx..
2 black perks
2 anemones
pink and black sea cucumber
red sea cucumber
2 sea apples
1 black sea urchin
4 assorted corals
1 carrabean fan work
1 brittle star
1 sand shifting star
2 sea hares
2 arrow crabs
2 decorator crabs
4 cleaner shrimps
1 red tailed blenny
4 turbo snails
4 blue legged hermit crabs
a pair of boxer shrimp
1 mud skipper
2 gobys
1 dragon wrasse
1 false gramma
1 looby worm
With all these in one tank, are they likely to be ok? as i wud like to know b4 its too late if any are eaten or will die from the cause of another??
thx for any advice thx..