Cories are not vegitarians. They are omnivorous. If you are feeding them exclusively algae tabs they are not getting a nutritious balance.
But frankly I doubt that a catfish pellet is algae based. BN Plecs eat algae tabs, but catfish are not vegitarians. Often in the States pellets are a shrimp flavored pellet that is good as a treat, but not suitable as a balanced diet. Just like many of us, fish often will eat the treats and ignore the balanced diet.
As I said before, it is my understanding that while needing an omnivorous diet, they are esentially insectavores and get some green (all that they need) by grazing on the algae in your tank. Obviously they don't need much, because they don't eliminate it like a BN Plec would. A good bottom feeder food is a balanced food for your Cory.
I raise my fry on powdered food. When they get big enough I start to add blackworms to their net. At first they don't heed them. The same happens at times when I get new Cories. If they have not had blackworms before, they don't recognise them right away as food. But once they try them
they have to be a bit hungry to eat anything else (except bloodworms, etc.) I put in the tank. I have 7 tanks of Cories from many different sources. The wild caught do not hesitate. They know what insects are.