What Have I Gotten Myself Into....


Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2007
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Okay I was at the pet store today, and I noticed a little loach like creature in with the big oscars. He was just a lil guy and the oscars were harssing him. He was the only one in there and he's pretty beat up. I felt I had to save him >.< I dont remember what it was called..and all it says on my reciept is

LOACH $9.99

He's about two inches in length, but not bulky...hes small. It's White...and has some little whisker things in the front. I'll post a pic later, but I'm to tired to do it right now. I just wanted to figure out what it was. And how big it's gonna get.

oh em eff gee...okay and I ordered a dwarf frog, of course I cant remember now what its called ( I know there are two different spiecies)
well I orderd the SMALL one....but i go there today, and what do they hand me? and african clawed frog....I was ust like umm...this isnt what I ordered...and the lady was really stupid, she knew nothing about fish, and basically...."i ordered it" now I have to keep it....

He's just a little guy right now....when he gets bigger it might become a problem :crazy:

Oh and I also got two Gourami's :fun: :D :p
Did it have black stripes?
I had two Pakistani loaches until my other fish's eyes were getting eaten. No more loaches for me
Nope, no black stripe. My sister went in an looked at it and immediatley was like "oh is that a dojo loach?" and then it just like hit me and now I remember what it was called. Golden Dojo loach....though it looks very pink and not gold at all if u ask me.. :huh:

umm....is it going to eat my fishies eyes? :blink:

I cant get over how adorable it is though :wub:

omg lol....I saw the funniest thing when i was in there. Okay huge biker dude...big boots...bandana...smells like cigarettes...chains...the beard.... hes in there looking at the fish... and then the lady comes over and hes like "can i get one dem lil cute striped ones"

guess he was getting in touch with his inner feminine side lol....oh man. If you could only imagine what I saw...hilarious.

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