What Have I Bought?


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I bought 3 of these stunning fish today. They are very active Barbs but I am struggling to find out what they are. Shop listed them as "Ember Barbs" but when I got home and googled them for further info, the images that came up did not match my fish.

Any ideas?

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I bought 3 of these stunning fish today. They are very active Barbs but I am struggling to find out what they are. Shop listed them as "Ember Barbs" but when I got home and googled them for further info, the images that came up did not match my fish.

Any ideas?

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You have bought some Odessa Barbs. Nice fish, kept them myself. I believe they require a lower temperature than normal tropical's (20-22c is fine) They are active, and a shoaling fish. I recommend increasing the number when you next can to at least 6.

Cheers, James.
Magic - Thanks!! They are very striking fish, I have 3 at the moment. One is behaving in a soletary (SP?) fashion, whilst another is constantly harassing the other.

I bought 3 of these stunning fish today. They are very active Barbs but I am struggling to find out what they are. Shop listed them as "Ember Barbs" but when I got home and googled them for further info, the images that came up did not match my fish.

Any ideas?

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You have bought some Odessa Barbs. Nice fish, kept them myself. I believe they require a lower temperature than normal tropical's (20-22c is fine) They are active, and a shoaling fish. I recommend increasing the number when you next can to at least 6.

Cheers, James.
Magic - Thanks!! They are very striking fish, I have 3 at the moment. One is behaving in a soletary (SP?) fashion, whilst another is constantly harassing the other.

I bought 3 of these stunning fish today. They are very active Barbs but I am struggling to find out what they are. Shop listed them as "Ember Barbs" but when I got home and googled them for further info, the images that came up did not match my fish.

Any ideas?

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You have bought some Odessa Barbs. Nice fish, kept them myself. I believe they require a lower temperature than normal tropical's (20-22c is fine) They are active, and a shoaling fish. I recommend increasing the number when you next can to at least 6.

Cheers, James.

Mine were very skittish when I got them, but they grew in confidence as time went on. I had 4 males so they were always having banter with one another, but nothing ever got out of hand ( they just used to annoy my Red-Tail S :lol: )
If you increase the shoal, it should make them more cohesive and relaxed. Just see how they go, i'm sure they will settle in over the next few weeks if not days. I fed mine on anything really, mostly frozen bloodworm which they seemed to enjoy.

They are a nice fish to keep.

I have four males and in the short time I've had them I would say my experience is the same. I had two initially, as I'm adding weekly to a newish tank, and they were quite shy for a week. I then witnessed some chasing, which I think was always one chasing the other (hard to tell them apart though), so I added two more. Since then their confidence is up and they are generally a very active fish with lots of chasing between all four, and as far as I can tell each will stand up for himself and do as much chasing as running away. :D I liken them to bunch of boisterous boys that run around at a wedding irrespective of the fact that the adults are standing there trying to have a conversation because they generally ignore the Rummy Nose Tetra to the extent that they charge through the shoal from time-to-time. I hasten to add the Rummy's seem at ease with their rowdy neighbours and simply reform their group after moving out of the rude boys' way.

I have a blue night light which gives the tank a whole new look. The Odessa's red fades and their yellow, along their back, is more clearly seen along with sparkles of blue. I'm going to try to get them to pose for photos in different light conditions in the next week or so, and will post pictures if I can get any decent ones.
I have 5 and I asked them to give me 2 m 3 f, which I think I have. The male chase each other and nip a bit but the female, although less colourful, are more calm. I think they will get too big for my tank so they will have to move soon. Nice colour when they are excited. Enjoy.

The advise I was given regarding the Odessa has proved accurate so far, though I've not had them too long. I was told they would chase and they do. I was told they may nip but that this was more likely with tank mates that have inviting fins (Betta/Guppy). I have not yet noticed any evidence that they've been nipping and they have no 'fancy' tank mates. Even if they were to get a bit nippy everything I've been told or read suggests the chance of them causing any real damage is slim. They only grow to about 3" so they're a nice size as a slightly larger or smaller fish depending on your particular set up. They're generally very active and their colouring is lovely. I haven't found a reason not to like them yet. :wub:
I would say get a good school so you can minimize the aggression. Barbs always keep the aggression among themselves when you get a school of about 6 or more. In my area Odessa Barbs usually cost more than other barbs. These fish are dimorphic so sexing should not be a problem.
I would say get a good school so you can minimize the aggression. Barbs always keep the aggression among themselves when you get a school of about 6 or more. In my area Odessa Barbs usually cost more than other barbs. These fish are dimorphic so sexing should not be a problem.

yer your right def up to 6 barbs :lol:

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