What Happens When Fishes Die


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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hi there

does any1 know wht happens when a fish dies accordin to me every tin in the world is COMPOSED OF SUM ENERGY so when a fish dies i suppose the energyu lives on an dthis energy b cums a ghost if its true with humans it must be true with fishes is any 1 a member of the ghostvillage.com.this idea seems funny but when i started the same topic at gv it b came a hotttt topic. SO DONT TORTURE U R FISHIES THEY COULD HAUNT U :lol: :lol: :lol:
personally i believe everything has energy. includes fish. their energy is just of a smaller amount.

altough i dont really believe in hauntings. fish hauntings that is.
If a pet fish dies and isn't really important then it goes to the sour(sp?) beyond. If a more important one dies it goes in the ground... I don't know of any energy.
Only fish ive ever buried have been my bettas.. oh and a platy that died the same time as my betta,so i figured why the hell not.
Sounds to me like you're assuming that fish are christian. They aren't, but the do have a god called oscar (The great red in the Ocean).

They all know as you should too, that when the die they go to bubbletopia and live forever in piece and happiness for all eternity :D
The only energy really created is my hubby digging 6 inches down with the spade. I guess the cats/birds etc sometimes manage to get it or if it not decomposed I'll get it when I'm planting. Guess what they do not even make the roses better. Perhaps I need to know what plant for each type of fish. My daughter used to put a cross but said mummy if that God doesn't know where he is then why does he make rain as I keep reminding her it rains to change the water for the fish.

If they haunt you then why do those neons not haunt those that eat them. Wonder how many cal they have for a fish.
Anyone know how to diet a fish ? lol. :hey:
It is current scientific belief that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed into another form of energy.

Example. Humans expel energy in the form of electrical, inertia (movement), heat etc. Fish are the same, except the heat part etc. Everything that is living is like this. the energy that their body was, becomes other energy, such as inertia in plants(i.e. you are fertiliser.) In this way, I believe you live on forever.

this post was just fur fun u all have gone into deep paranormal investigation and research


does any1 know tropical fw fishes that luk like marine 1s

fur a 20 inch l 10 inches h 10 inches b with sp 1000a boyu sub power filter dead coral densely planted with sand substrate fw tank
I think they either get eaten by another critter or rot, just like everything else. :)
Obviously I'm a very spiritual person.
i wonder what the ghost of the fish i ate last night is wondering.....?????
Also a ghost knife are classed as a ghost already ....lol

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