What Happens If You Overdose Declorinator?


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2005
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Halifax, west yorkshire, England.
hey.. i've always wondered what happens if you add to much declorinator. I use king british (or something like that) safe guard declorinator, but there isnt a warning saying "IF YOU ADD TO MUCH YOUR FISH WILL DIE" or anything like that at all.
Does anyone know what would happen?
Also: Dont worry about stress coat.
You can dump a whole container full into a 10G, and your fish may get a little woozy, but nothing else'll happen....
I always "overdose" on it a little :nod:

would rather have a bit too much each time and make sure there is enough to do the job than have too little and leave traces of chlorine in the water :crazy:

I was wondering on the use of "stress coat" I live in the U.S and seem to have been mis-leaded by some. What does it really do? Does it kill bacteria? Is it also conditioner. Because the LFS pointed at a bottle saying "Stress Coat" and then pointed at a bottle that said "Water Coditioner" on it and said it does the same thing. Im confused can anyone help?

-Arrowhead ;)
Stress Coat is both a water conditioner and a way to sooth your fish during stressful times. It removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. It also helps with the slime coat of your fish. I use it as my only water conditioner, have for a couple years now, and swear by it. Every time I've tried a different product, I've been disappointed and return to my good old Stress Coat. I also over dose on it a bit without any problems.
Stress Coat is both a water conditioner and a way to sooth your fish during stressful times. It removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. It also helps with the slime coat of your fish. I use it as my only water conditioner, have for a couple years now, and swear by it. Every time I've tried a different product, I've been disappointed and return to my good old Stress Coat. I also over dose on it a bit without any problems.
Eyi. (sp?)
I dont think you need the water conditioner, but I guess people still use it.....
I personally dont like using un-needed chemicals in my aquariums, I'd prefer to keep it simple with stress coat and dechlorinator.
Stress Coat is both a water conditioner and a way to sooth your fish during stressful times. It removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. It also helps with the slime coat of your fish. I use it as my only water conditioner, have for a couple years now, and swear by it. Every time I've tried a different product, I've been disappointed and return to my good old Stress Coat. I also over dose on it a bit without any problems.
Eyi. (sp?)
I dont think you need the water conditioner, but I guess people still use it.....
I personally dont like using un-needed chemicals in my aquariums, I'd prefer to keep it simple with stress coat and dechlorinator.

you sorta just told us that you dont need water conditioner, but you use it anyways, which means you use un-needed chemicals :/ :lol: confusing. im using hagen aquaplus right now. it seems like its the same as stresscoat, cause it has aloe for fishes slime coat and all that stuff. when i add conditioner, i just wing it, so im guessing i overdose every time i do a water change
Stress Coat is both a water conditioner and a way to sooth your fish during stressful times. It removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. It also helps with the slime coat of your fish. I use it as my only water conditioner, have for a couple years now, and swear by it. Every time I've tried a different product, I've been disappointed and return to my good old Stress Coat. I also over dose on it a bit without any problems.
Eyi. (sp?)
I dont think you need the water conditioner, but I guess people still use it.....
I personally dont like using un-needed chemicals in my aquariums, I'd prefer to keep it simple with stress coat and dechlorinator.

dechlorinator = water conditioner = needed

Seeing as Stress coat is a dechlorinator, you DO seem to be using and un-needed additional dechlorinator :D

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