what happened?!?!?

what kind of chemicles did u have in their? what kind of water circulation did u have going, wat were u feeding them, and was the male in the tank at this time. if so, is he looking ok? i think i can help, i just need some info.

im realy sorry about the loss of your spawn, i cant imagine what would kill them all off like that -_-
You absolutely can NOT spawn here again this soon. You need to wait 3 weeks or more to let her have a chance to recover and produce more eggs in her.

And yes, we'd need more info to try and figure out what happened to the fry. How is the ammonia and nitrite readings? Dad may be able to handle a problem there for a short while but fry absolutely would not for any length of time.

thankz shrks1fan
could i spawn him with a different female?
cuz i have been realy anxious to spawn..and finally the time came and it got ruined...

the only thing i can think of is that i put a bananna peel in the tank to try a infurosia culture...other than that everything should have been fine, they hatched yesterday early morning and were fine untill just hours ago...i pu thte bananna in last night :/
uh oh

you put a banana peel IN THE TANK? with teh fry?! you're suppose to put the banna peel in ANOTHER container to start teh infurosai culture, then harvest the INFOURSOIA and put it inot the fry tank.

Did dad eat them or did you see dead bodies?

i would wait at least 2 weeks before spawning teh male or the female again. Spawning is a lot of work for the male as well, and if he's not in good shape, you risk having him sterss out and eat the fry.
It could be the banana peel. It could be other things. What temp did you have the spawn tank. What stage was the fry in the last time you saw them alive, such as tail hanging down, or free swimming. When the fry die, use a magnifying glass or better yet a microscope to look at the fry. It could be velvet, which kills more fry than any other thing. Too high a temp can hatch the fry too soon. Different things can be the problem. Someone mentioned ammonia. Did you feed the male while he was in the spawn tank?
Test the water for ammonia and ph.
yea your going to hafta wait another week or 2 for both fish to recover. u really shoul of asked for the help of some one here before your started thogh, breeding bettas isn't easy. did it even occur to your that putting the banana peel in the tank would cause prblems? :huh:
I would put my money on the Banana peel being the culprit...fruit has been sprayed with pesticides and unless you rinsed it off REAL well, those pesticides would leak into the water, and depending on what was used, even a good rinse wouldn't do it. As CC said, you need to build the infusoria culture in another container. I personally use Java Moss from an established tank to make my cultures, that way no chance of some pesticide getting into the water.

I also would give the male some time to rest...he'll need to be reconditioned as he won't have eaten during the time he was with the female and caring for the fry (unless you fed him, but most males won't eat anyway). And he'll also be tired, all that embracing is exhausting work for the male, then the care of the eggs, he hasn't had a chance to rest up.

wow, thx all for replying

i DID do research on here, about 4 posts and i even got yelled at for asking too many questions...somwhere sombody told me to put the bananna peel in the fry tank so that infurosia would culture in there....

last time i saw them alive, they were almost free swimming, but not completely..they would fall and wiggle themselves back up if they hadn't fallen too far.

the temp was at 80..
i'm willing to bet ont he banana peel too :( i think the person meant that you can put banana peel into A tank to promote the culture, but not INTO the fry tank...

sorry to hear about that :( try again in 2 or 3 weeks
I bet it was the banana peel

Also if she has ripped fins give her 3 weeks if she doesnt have any injuries give her 2 weeks of conditioning

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