What Happened To Phoenix?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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Sometime between the hours of 3:00 PM and 10:00 PM (basically right now), my crowntail, Phoenix, died. I'm not entirely sure why or how.

This is a 10 gallon tank with a Top Fin 10 filter, cycled, heated to 78 degrees (actually planned on installing the new heater today to eventually get the temp to 82F). Last water change was yesterday, around 60%. Dechlorinated with Stress Coat, added fertilizers for the eight or so plants.

I've had this tank for one year plus one week.

Only tank mates are pest snails and one nerite snail which I found dead yesterday. Attached are two photos of his body. Notice how he is floating with his head upwards, like he is trying to breathe for air, but can't, you know, because he's dead. His body doesn't seem I show any signs of damage.

Lately we have been working on regrowing his fins after a disastrous attempt at dividing the tank to suit another male betta. We've had a diatom issue. We've also had some rather obnoxious pest nails who keep eating my ludwigia.

I'm testing the water now. I'll post the results in just a tick.



Ammonia and nitrite are zero. I don't typically test for nitrate because I find I can never get a consistent reading. :\
I'd always test all three regardless of the readings I get. I've made it a habit.
How old was he? 
I've no idea how old he was. I've had him since February. I bought him from the pet store.

I'll test the nitrates in the morning as it is time for homework/bed right now. However, last week I missed water change day and neglected to tend to it until yesterday. That's not nearly enough time for my nitrates to have spiked severely enough to harm him, right, especially with the plants in there... I'll definitely test in the morning.

He's always been a skinny guy. I think he was young when I got him because his body got longer, but never as thick as some of my other bettas have been.

I'm wondering now how I should prepare the tank for a new fish at the end of the weekend at the very earliest. I was planning on finishing my re-scape next week anyway.
attibones said:
I've no idea how old he was. I've had him since February. I bought him from the pet store.

I'll test the nitrates in the morning as it is time for homework/bed right now. However, last week I missed water change day and neglected to tend to it until yesterday. That's not nearly enough time for my nitrates to have spiked severely enough to harm him, right, especially with the plants in there... I'll definitely test in the morning.

He's always been a skinny guy. I think he was young when I got him because his body got longer, but never as thick as some of my other bettas have been.

I'm wondering now how I should prepare the tank for a new fish at the end of the weekend at the very earliest. I was planning on finishing my re-scape next week anyway.
I see, strange that he died all of the sudden. Sorry for your loss. 
 I'm sure someone with more experience might have better information on here about it. I haven't had my two boys very long. Been having a lot of problems with them lately but always seem to pull through it. Hope you get some answers. 
Thank you for your responses.

It's just a bit upsetting considering Phoenix looked just fine. In fact, I expected him to move around or blow bubbles at me like he typically does. When I scooped him, I anticipated that he would attempt to swim away. The body just looked undisturbed. In fact, if he hadn't been so still, it would have taken me a longer time to realize he was dead.
Oh no! :rip: I'm so sorry to hear this!
Is there any possibility you could have overdosed your ferts?
Anything you have done recently that is unusual? 
No, not a thing. I did take the decorations out for a diatom scrub though. I used a Q-tip. Could that have been a bad idea?
If there was nothing on the Q-tip, then it shouldn't have been a problem.  But, out of curiosity, where were the Q-tips stored?
The glue that holds the cotton onto the plastic rod may have been toxic. I know it's not supposed to come into contact with super glue because it reacts badly with the adhesive. That being said I assume none of your decorations had super glue on them.
It's possible he just died of natural causes tho...
eaglesaquarium said:
If there was nothing on the Q-tip, then it shouldn't have been a problem.  But, out of curiosity, where were the Q-tips stored?
Bathroom under my towels.

KrystaK said:
The glue that holds the cotton onto the plastic rod may have been toxic. I know it's not supposed to come into contact with super glue because it reacts badly with the adhesive. That being said I assume none of your decorations had super glue on them.
It's possible he just died of natural causes tho...
I took the objects out of the tank to scrub them carefully and then wiped them down with a paper towel. I have no superglue on any of the objects.

I have a hard time thinking it was natural since he was possibly only a year old or just over a year.
I'm sorry about Phoenix :(

That seems like an odd position for a dead fish, most I've seen end up on their side. I wonder if that is in any way a clue of cause of death.
attibones said:
If there was nothing on the Q-tip, then it shouldn't have been a problem.  But, out of curiosity, where were the Q-tips stored?
Bathroom under my towels.
Fabric softener?
Genetically unhealthy? I guess you don't know of his background or anything. Same with us humans, we all don't live to the exact same age.. Could be plausible. Sorry for your loss xx
eaglesaquarium said:
If there was nothing on the Q-tip, then it shouldn't have been a problem.  But, out of curiosity, where were the Q-tips stored?
Bathroom under my towels.
Fabric softener?

Nah, I'm allergic. I use free and clear detergent. I realize that I've also not made it clear that these Q-tips are on the shelf below my towel shelf.

AlitaConejita said:
I'm sorry about Phoenix :(
That seems like an odd position for a dead fish, most I've seen end up on their side. I wonder if that is in any way a clue of cause of death.
I agree, which is why I was so confused.
Sorry about you losing the Betta and the Nerite Snail! With two deaths like that I would suspect some sort of contaminant. Did you scrub the decorations in the sink, could they have gotten in contact with soap?
Just had another thought, when you found the Nerite snail dead, did you do a water change? And how long do you think the snail was dead before you realized it?

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