What happened to my neons?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2004
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:eek: I've had 4 neons for at least a year now. I change the water once a month and use a gravel vacuum. This time, however, when I did my water change, they all started floating around and ended up dying. All of them! None of my other fish were affected, and they've never had a problem before when I did water changes. Does anyone know what could have happened this time?
How big is tank?

Water are water parameters?

What else is in the tank with neons?

IMO once a month water change is not enough....... please answer those questions so you can get proper help.
Need to know the parameters of the water you are using to replace the old water with.
Could you accidentally have contaminated the tank with some kind of cleaner (bleach?) easy to do if you don't have a special fishy bucket/hose etc.

aj xx

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