What Happened To My Clown Loach Bregade?


New Member
Oct 3, 2005
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I was treating my CL's for the Ich and all was going well. symtoms were going away. All of the sudden one got very dark and the fins turned bright blood red. It started acting lathargic even raising its eye horns and later died. :( The same thing happeded to the other one later that day. They were doing so well. Could it have been a secondary infection? They had what looked like velvet about the last few hours. :-(
What happened? The other fish are all fine.
What were you treating them with? CL's and scaleless fish in general tolerate some treatment chemicals very badly. It is the same problem as salt, the skin is much more permeable in scaleless fish, they easily absorb the chemicals/salt into their systems and are quickly poisoned.

When treating scaleless fish, always be sure to use a formulation which is known to be safe for loaches, and even then, many people use ½ the recommended dosage.
Dan, if you read one of my last posts you will see that they exact same thing happened my clown loach. Bright red fins and gills, heavy panting, and then unfortunately death.All my other fish are fine.Its just the clowns who are susceptible to white spot.

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