What Happened To Hercule


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
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Bournemouth Uk
hercule my whiptail died tonight and im really puzzled by it, i saw him in some plants yesterday lying on his side and thought it was strange but then he moved so didnt think much else of it. went to feed community tonight and there he was, completely untouched by the others but got to fishy heaven, it was wierd he looked the same he did when alive but definately gone. any ideas of why, anyone got one?
So sorry to hear about Hercule :( Sometimes these things just happen - could you give us some more info like - tank size, other fish, ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/ph level etc?
all levlels are perfect, tank 120Litres, but he was on 3" long i know he had the protential to grow but was still a baby,
i got him off a friend as an emergancy, he was doing fine but then suddenly........... :( dead

i got to admit i did no research on him but it was take him now or god help him situation, just wanted to do what i thought was best, how could i leave him there to end up in whiptail heaven..................even though thats where the poor soul ended anyway

point is, i want another one but need to know for sure if its the right thing to do, cant find anything on web so looking experienced owners for advice

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