What Going On With My Fish


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Okay, so i wokeup to feed my fish and i saw him in the corner sitting there, then i saw him do something very strange and been doing this for 1hr thus far. The other fish also pokes him is this bullying?????? I had to take a video as pictures will not justify.

Looks like normal hosting behaviour to me, as long as it can still swim ok and is eating fine I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have seen clowns to this to powerheads and magfloats too :)

My Anthias (which doesnt host in the same way as clowns but does tend to sleep in the rockwork) used to sit exactly the same as your clown in the corner near the weir of my tank when the lights went out.

The bullying is probably fine too, looks like they are still juvenile so are just establishing who is dominant. Only time to worry about it is when they start doing physical damage to each other.
well as one of my old posts. that 1 fish mouth will not close anymore, i'm not sure what the cause is. is it spawning in the corner?
If it cant close its mouth then this could be another issue. It is probably being picked on more by the other clown and is hanging out in one space where it feels secure. What are you doing to treat the lock jaw?
well as one of my old posts. that 1 fish mouth will not close anymore, i'm not sure what the cause is. is it spawning in the corner?

i had a fish die when her mouth wasnt closing if you look it might have a small tumour be carfull as they do grow very big this is just an idea as it sounds familiar to whats just happend to my red eye tetra
i had a fish die when her mouth wasnt closing if you look it might have a small tumour be carfull as they do grow very big this is just an idea as it sounds familiar to whats just happend to my red eye tetra

i can't really see inside it's mouth, but there are no physical signs of a tumor.
Cant really help on the lock jaw. Its not a common problem, if he is eating ok then it might be better to wait and see. If it was me I would try putting him in a QT to make sure he isn't picked on and try treating with anti-bacterial meds just to make sure. Difficult one as if you do something (like physically try to unlock the jaw) you could do more harm than good but if you leave it then it might not fix itself.
yes i dunno how to physically repair this i'm no expert. i don't have an extra tank to make a QT, will a 5ltr or so jar work?
No not really. I wouldn't use anything smaller than a 10g tank or the unstable water parameters will end up doing more harm than good.
well, then nothing i can do i guess. he is hanging around the corner still with tail up and head facing down. other clown keeps bothering him like a bully. i had them since Jan 2008.

i can only use a tank divider for now i guess. how often do you clean your tank? i do mines once every 3 weeks. i got 2 clowns, 2 hermit crabs, 1 royal dottyback.
Okay he is still in the corner going up and down i'm worried.
today he is floating like near the surface. :(
just ran i test everything is good.
i also did a water change almost 50%.

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