What Food?


New Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Hi There,

I have 2 peppered cory's and 2 bronze. I was recommended catfish pellets for them to eat but they totally ignore them even when my platy's have broken them up a bit. They are eating the flake that reaches the bottom.
I'm just looking for some advice as to what else they might like.


Mine were finicky about certain pellets too. They hated the shrimp pellets but they really love Tetramin Tropical Tablets. I've been feeding it to them for years now. Btw, if your flake food is hitting the bottom that is also good enough too. If your other fish are not able to finish the food, at least the catfish will eat it up.
My cory's and bristle noses go crazy over Hikari sinking wafers however none of them are really fussed about algea wafers. They also all like Wardley Sinking Shrimp pellets, maybe because they break up so quickly and they can eat it easily. Also try giving your cory's some defrosted blood worms, they love them as well as freeze dried blood worms but you will need to find away to make it stay at the bottom rather than bobbing around at the surface, I put mine under an elastic band attached to a small flat rock. My fish all love eating any freshly crushed snails, which is good as I have an almost endless supply of them their favourite seems to be the ramshorn snail. And another treat that really makes my cory's buzz is live mosquito wrigglers, the cory's have a great time eating them as when you first drop the wrigglers in the tank the first place they instinctively go is to the bottom into catfish domain. Your other fish will also enjoy the hunt for and eating of the wrigglers. My male fighter never quite believes all the wrigglers have been eaten and he will continue inspecting anything that's flaoting in the tank on the off chance he missed on for ages after a wriggler feed.
Many thanks for your advice guys. I'll try some of the things you've mentioned. Might get some Blood Worms later today.

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