What food?


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
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Southern IL
I order food in bulk from fish breeders.

I don't pay attention to anything but the nutritional content.

SO much cheaper. :)
For my African cichlids:
--Omega One Super Veggie Kelp Flakes
--Pure Spirulina (bulk green flake)
--Nori and Wakame as a supplement

Yummmmmerz! :p
To many to name, as long as the fish love it I'm happy.
I just use Nutrafin by hagen, because i can get it for cheap, because i work at a pet store
i belive stongly that the more varety that you feed yourfish the happeir they will be and the more colurful they willl be i personly have more food in my frezer for my fish then for me but it realy depends on the fish omnevores hebovores carnovores all eat diffrently i have blood worms brine shrimp krill squid choped fish alge strips sinking alge pellets a veriety of flake and pellet shrimp pellets and all kinds of theng that i know that i am fogeting to mention i have brine shrimp hatchers in 2 of my tanks and and hatch every other week plus it keeps me from getting bored just feeding one thing i think the fish would get bored from eating just one thing :nod:
i feed tetra variety, tetra delica, interpet frozen bloodworm, hikari algae tablets, nishi aquaria sinking pellets and tetra algae wafers also live bloodworm sometimes
:kana: I'm a Tetra-Min guy... flakes in the morning, granules in the afternoon, and a sinking shrimp pellet for cory cats (some of the others, especially bloodfin tetras, nibble on that pellet too).
I have many types of fish food. I like TetraMin flakes and granules, but also sometimes have Nutrafin flakes. HBH Betta Bites and Graze (veggie) flakes. Hikari Bio Cichlid Gold pellets. OSI shrimp pellets. Ummm... algae wafers... freeze dried sinking tablets... freeze dried tubifex... and lots of frozen foods... frozen bloodworms... brine shrimp... krill.. plankton... fresh foods... beef heart... mussels and clams.. fish fillets... veggies.. live foods... earthworms.. mosquito larvae.. guppies. I think that about covers it. :nod:
Make my own foods out of veggies and rice ( just started feeding the rice)- As well as feed live foods I raise myself- Making my own food is wayyyyyyy cheaper than buying it- and the live foods are free!

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