What Food Are People Feeding There Cherry Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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I have my Aquanano 30 sitting in its box waiting to be set up
I know what plants i want and will start buying them nesxt week
I want to  have everything ready  for when i buy the shrimp so the question is what food are people feeding their shrimp?
I also want to give them some variety
Any info will be greatly appreciated
I have some veggie sticks that I prefer, you can break small pieces easier then off of wafers, and they are packed with spirulina, which the shrimp LOVE

Also you can get powdered spirulina and add a little bit of egg to it, and make little wafers of it to let air dry, to give to them as a side treat.  The pure spirulina will make their color beautiful.
Thanks guys that's a great help
Mine get hikari shrimp cuisine twice a week, the rest of the time they feed on whatever the fish don't eat & insuforia on the plants & wood etc
My tank will be Shrimp only so the Hikari food looks a good bet
I buy some Tetra wafers especially for crustaceans.  I can't see them online to give you a link and had never seen these particulars ones before until I recently came upon them in the shop.  But never seen my shrimp and snail go mad for anything like they do for these!

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