What Fish???????????


Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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I have a 55 gal tank. I have 3 platties or sword tails to go in it and an algea eater (not sure what kind) from a smaller tank that will be my new home for a 5 year old black moor.

I want to add at least one shark ( thinking Bala maybe or any other suggestions would be appreciated)

What else could I get angels? neons? Something colorful and interesting

PLease help me My tank will look so bear!!!!!!
Angels and neons don't go together.

If you have fin-nippers, angels and bettas are a no-no. :no:

Do you want big fish, small fish, fast fish, slow fish, all types...?

What are the water specs?

Don't add too many fish at once. Let the ammonia and nitrite levels fall and add a few fish at a time. This will make the transition easier for your stock.
The water specs are fine. I have been keeping cold water fish for a while. So I do have some idea of how to care for fis. I also know the deal with adding a few fish at a time.

My LFS is not very good with reccomendations as to what fish I could go with. I was just saying neons and angels as an example. I really like to look of sharks so what kind would you recomend.

I want fish that are fairly big but not too big, because my tank is big and I want it to have a presence so to speak. But I don't want fish that cause the tank to look dirty all the time because That;s the problem I have now with my cold water comets and moor. The comets are getting a new home in a pond and my moor is going to a 10 gal.

What would you guys reccomend?????????
You could go for gouramis, angels, or athor cichlids, provided they aren't too aggressive.

Not god with sharks, but I believe red-tailed black sharks only get to 4"... According to liveaquaria.

Try that site out. it has a few fish to choose form and tells you about their temperaments.

Also, if you want to get a planted tank, Discuc and angels are "made" for that environment.

*Discus are fragile, though, so maybe not yet.
Put the moor in the 55 gallon!!!! You put it in the 10 and you'll be looking at a dead moor in awhile.
Goldfish should really be kept in 30 gallons minimum. But anyway, that tank is not big enough for a bala shark. You could get a rainbow shark or RTBS, they get about 4-6". They are aggressive however. How about a couple of clown loaches they can get to about 12-14" but grow very slowly (about an inch a year) and you can easily have 3-5 juvies in a tank that size for many years. They are delightful fish, but very prone to ich so don't stress them out too much and make sure you get healthy stock.
Not to be "picky" but clown loaches should be kept in groups of at least 3...... :D
the moor dosen't move in the 55 gal. he just sits in one corner by himself. He used to be in the 10 gal before i got the 55 gal. He used to swim all the time and since he moved about 6 months ago he just sits on the bottom and does nothing. He even waits for the food to sink to the bottom instead of swimming to get it so I'm hoping he will get better when he goes back to the tank he was always in before.

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