what fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2004
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i have just go t a bigger tank for my betta is there any fish that it would peacefully live with?
in a 5 gallon i know for a fact you'd be able to get some African Dwarf Frogs but how many i dont know

i dont know if you'll be able to get any fish fish cause 5 gallons isnt really a lot of room :/
actually in a 5 gallon you could have some platties, or corycatfish, or ottos.

but all thsoe fish like to be in groups of at least three
unless you have a filter or some kind of aeration in the 5G you wouldnt' be able to have platies, since they need oxygenated water, and don't breathe off the surface of the water like bettas.

ADFs, or a snail, or some ghost shrimps might be good tank mates. If you choose to go with otos (i'm pretty sure they need oxygenated water too), make sure they're in a group of at least 3 :thumbs:
its not the tank on my signature its a 10g and it has a filter system so is there anymore ideas?
You could try some small peaceful bottom dwellers like cories or ottos. Ottos can be useful in keeping algae down and cories are just sweet :wub: but if you get cories make sure you have fine substrate for them.

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