What fish would be suitable tank mates?


New Member
Dec 6, 2024
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So, I've transferred the fish from old tank to new 230 litre. Sand substrate, wood, rocks, live plants, quite soft water.
The current occupants look a little lost in their new home so would like to add some more fish in a few weeks time. Corydoras are a definite must as they're my favourites. As well as those what else could I add? Would also be grateful of suggestions of which type of cory please
Current stock:
2 x red honey gourami
9 x neon tetra
1 x glowlight (he's 8 and outlived the rest of his school)
1 x bristlenose
Which member of the Cory group would be ideal really depends on what choices you have in your local shops. There are standards in the hobby, but this is an international forum and what you can get, I might not be able to and vice versa. I'd go exploring and bring back a list of possibilities for comments.
Any way, 6 to 10 of them for one species is a starting point.

I have a soft spot for glowlight tetras, and you 8 year old could do with company. I'd add half a dozen or more. It's a social fish.

If Corys are your favourites and budget is on your side, I would consider two groups.

All of your fish except the gouramis like cooler tropical temperatures. That would include future Cory types.
Which member of the Cory group would be ideal really depends on what choices you have in your local shops. There are standards in the hobby, but this is an international forum and what you can get, I might not be able to and vice versa. I'd go exploring and bring back a list of possibilities for comments.
Any way, 6 to 10 of them for one species is a starting point.

I have a soft spot for glowlight tetras, and you 8 year old could do with company. I'd add half a dozen or more. It's a social fish.

If Corys are your favourites and budget is on your side, I would consider two groups.

All of your fish except the gouramis like cooler tropical temperatures. That would include future Cory types.
Thank you for your advice. I will get some more glowlight tetras. As for the corys, there's quite a few available across the 2 stores i use to get my fish. Probably too many for me to decide 😊
Types available are: bronze, orange venezuelan, pandas, sterbai, albino, false bandit, peppered, leopard, rusty, skunk, spotted and black venezuelan
is you sand natural colored??? I've found with corys I like to contrast them to the color of the substrate my albino aeneus, look stunning on black sand... and I have long fin bronze aeneus, on white sand... I also have a couple sterbai, left from a larger school, in another tank, on brown mix smaller river gravel, and they are one of my favorites, but because that tank doesn't have sand, I've chosen not to add more, even though these two are thriving
is you sand natural colored??? I've found with corys I like to contrast them to the color of the substrate my albino aeneus, look stunning on black sand... and I have long fin bronze aeneus, on white sand... I also have a couple sterbai, left from a larger school, in another tank, on brown mix smaller river gravel, and they are one of my favorites, but because that tank doesn't have sand, I've chosen not to add more, even though these two are thriving
Thank you for your reply. Yes, the sand in this tank is natural coloured. So contrasting seems a really good idea
You could also add to your neons.
People (IRL) always comment on my cardinals and say they had always thought cardinals were boring. In larger groups they can be stunning. I think there are somewhere around 30 in this tank (200l). It looks so bare because I have just ripped all the plants out and started again (on the plants)

I recently moved the lambchop rasboras in from another tank and they complement the tetras really well - behaviour and appearance.

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