What Fish U Think Should Put In That Tank :)


Fish Addict
Jun 27, 2005
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wow now thats one bazoka size aquarium . And the aquarium where you will never have to do water change and can keep almost all species of fish( altho its salt water tank assuming its fresh as well lol)


with 6 million gallons of water inside that tank what fish would u be keeping if its urs? I will put a great white or 2 in there lol.
To tell you the truth, If I was offered the money to set it up, I wouldn't.
I never knew I'd say it, but there is such thing as too big tank.
I'd get stressed on what to stock it with...not to mention it couldn't fit in my house (Its prolly almost or as big as my house), so I'd have to drive somewhere just to look at it.
The biggest tank I'd accept would probably be around 10,000 gallons.
Even that seems wayyy too huge.
a school of arapaima, like 12 TSN's, N. Beani, and whatever else i can find thats really really evil or big
To tell you the truth, If I was offered the money to set it up, I wouldn't.
I never knew I'd say it, but there is such thing as too big tank.
I'd get stressed on what to stock it with...not to mention it couldn't fit in my house (Its prolly almost or as big as my house), so I'd have to drive somewhere just to look at it.
The biggest tank I'd accept would probably be around 10,000 gallons.
Even that seems wayyy too huge.

Its not for house keeping lol Its a size of a soccer feild and 30 feet deep it will not fit in ur house lol.
Exactly, why would someone want that?
Money waster if you ask me, even if you don't pay a dime :dunno:
Like I said, the largest awaurium i would even think to accept would be less than 10,000 gallons.
well the dude who made this tank is probably an tropical fish fanatic true fanatic :) and he had the money (owner of home depot company) I will visit there if I have the chance to goes by atlanta. Even if it cost me 25 dollars to enter the place.
It would be fun to see, yes.
And really, that isn't an aquarium. Its made nothing like an aqurium is.
Its more like...a pool....Or a water reserve :oh:
yeah now that i think about it you wouldnt be able to see all your fish all the time. i like to know where all my fish are even if theyre hiding. i probly wont go over a 300-500 gallon tank if i even go that big
An aquarium is a tank, bowl, or other water-filled enclosure in which living fish or other aquatic animals and plants are kept.

I dont know what I would put in it, that is something I would have to put alot of thought in to.
well thats a tank but just enlarged from our home's one like 1 million+ time
How about 6 million Neons? How Kool would that be lol
a betta?
wow i cant even think really... Oner of every fish, or if needed a pair or school of every fish :eek:

In australia at sea world we have "shark park" I think it's called.

Its 6 million ltrs or somthing, has heaps of awsome stuff in there. Thats somthing cool to see, if i had this id be doing it the same as sea world! they own all hehe.

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