What fish to have?


New Member
May 17, 2004
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I have got a ten gallon tank and i was wondering what kind of fish i could put in it, any ideas. Thanks
There is a wide range of fish that you could put in there. What are you interested in. Guppies, mollies, tetras, swordtails?
You can stick some of those in there they basically all get along and some may be more territoral that others but they will understand. Remember 1" of fish per gal.

like all mollies mainly lear tails
cardinal tetras, and lemons are nice
and platies have all nice colors
Hopefully this isn't the same tank that you already have 7 fish in it and lost many others in a day. and people already replied and told that it wouldn't be a good idea to put anymore in there.

Probably is though....huh?!
yes it is the same tank, but i haven't got the fish any more, i am going to start again
oh ok.....did you give them back to the store?

If your starting over you should start with two hardy fish, maybe three. untill the tank is cycled.

Good fish to do this with are Platy's, danios, tetra's.
Just remember if you get livebearers you are going to get fry. And if you only have a ten gallon you might not have enough room for all of the babies you'll be getting. Just be careful.

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