what fish to get now


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
okay all you know it alls give me some help on this one my 75 has 5 labidochromis cearlues and 3 aulonocara maisoni chinteche in it I want to get 5 more labido females and 2 more female aulonocara but then after that is all done I want to add another species I am looking at adding 8 of these fish but I want someting that isn't going to be super aggro and remember that my wife has the pretty color requirement
Male Melanochromis chipokae. Inch for inch the nastiest fish I know. And it's perfect because all the other fish are established. They will need that because the chipokae will soon be the most dominate.
here is a short list that it isn't even done yet but some info on any of these fish would help

Otopharynx lithobates Zimbawe Rock
Protomelas spilonotus Liuli “Royal”
Pro.spilonotus Mara Rocks “Sulphurhead”
All of the Haps you mentioned would make great additions, but don't add 8, that would be way too many. Remember that unlike mbuna haps enjoy less crowded environments and lots of swimming space.

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