What fish to add and when.


New Member
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
After a difficult time in the beginning, my tank has now cycled and will soon be adding to the eight fish I have at the moment. I currently have 180l tank with 4 cherry barbs and 4 danios (2 zebra and 2 spotted). I would like to add either some small catfish or some clown loach? not sure which? Has anybody any thoughts as to which would be best? I have been told that these may need a slightly more mature tank, is this correct. (Tank has been cycled for 2 weeks btw.)
Also what would be the recomended stocking level for my tank as I dont want to overstock.

Many thanks.
Clown loaches will grow to big for that tank, so I'd not get any of them.

The danios need to be in at least a group of 5; 6 or more is much better for them.
As for small catfish look at otocinclus affinis (dwarf catfish); however they are very sensative to water conditions and I'd wait at least a month before adding them. They also like to be in groups (3 minimum)

As a rule of thumb 1" of fish per gallon of water, but this is only a guidline and shouldn't be stuck to as "you must do this".
Stocking levels depends on the fish in question and the type of filtration running in the tank.

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