What Fish Shud I Add In 30 Gal?

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Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2005
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Hi every1.
Um ... i have a 30 gal tank 6 years old with 6 tetras and 1 guppy. Havent added any fish for least copuple months because i am planning to change it totally. I was wondering what fish i shud get that could go along with these fish. I have 2 black skirt tetra's fully grown. I also have 4 fully grown lemon tetras. They both have been iwht me for 6 years now.
Now the question is what fish to add with these. I was thinking discus but i think they need a larger tank. Then i was thinking chicilds, but i need a particular species because most chiclids are to agreesive for tetras. Would any of you recommend a ram? I know i am going to get gouramies.
Basically im starting fresh again, so i can get rid of the plants since my aquarium isnt havly planted. I am getting new plants but im not sure if i shud get live plants or just artificial. I realize you need more light for live plants but that doesnt bother me. I will be getting decoted pices and some trees and pots but the main part is the fish. What fish shud i put in my 30 gal tank. What would you put in it if you had tetras int he tank. Some really beutiful fish, because i need to bring color to the tank. I know german rams can adapt with a lot of fish since i have seen in my local store. I have even seen it with a sea horse. I would love to get a sea horse in my aquarium but it requires a 120 gal tank and it is very expsnvie ($500)
Going off topic again .. thats me
If i could get any replies on this it would be greatly appreictaed.

Hi every1.
Um ... i have a 30 gal tank 6 years old with 6 tetras and 1 guppy. Havent added any fish for least copuple months because i am planning to change it totally. I was wondering what fish i shud get that could go along with these fish. I have 2 black skirt tetra's fully grown. I also have 4 fully grown lemon tetras. They both have been iwht me for 6 years now.
Now the question is what fish to add with these. I was thinking discus but i think they need a larger tank. Then i was thinking chicilds, but i need a particular species because most chiclids are to agreesive for tetras. Would any of you recommend a ram? I know i am going to get gouramies.
Basically im starting fresh again, so i can get rid of the plants since my aquarium isnt havly planted. I am getting new plants but im not sure if i shud get live plants or just artificial. I realize you need more light for live plants but that doesnt bother me. I will be getting decoted pices and some trees and pots but the main part is the fish. What fish shud i put in my 30 gal tank. What would you put in it if you had tetras int he tank. Some really beutiful fish, because i need to bring color to the tank. I know german rams can adapt with a lot of fish since i have seen in my local store. I have even seen it with a sea horse. I would love to get a sea horse in my aquarium but it requires a 120 gal tank and it is very expsnvie ($500)
Going off topic again .. thats me
If i could get any replies on this it would be greatly appreictaed.


First of all Welcome to the Forums.

Discus would be a definite NO NO tank would be to small, Cichlids are only kept Good with Cichlids of similar Size and breed.
These two WOULD definitely make FISH FOOD of your present fish in short order.

I do not know what a German Ram is, But just because you see them in a PS with plenty of different types of fish, DOES NOT MEAN they can be kept with those fish, Research it out before getting any Rams to Make Sure they are compatible with the Fish you already have, or intend to get.
As for Gouramis I've kept them With Community Fish, But at "MY OWN RISK"
As Gourmis can if not kept with at least a few other Gourmis Can/Will become aggressive towards their Tank Mates as they also can Be territorial as well.

I would recommend Other types of Tetras, Close to the types you already have.
Mollies, Swordtails, Danios, Platies, Fruit Loop Tetras are one of my Favorite, in the Tetra Group. Glass Fish, You get the Picture.
I know this isn't really what you wanted to hear, But if you didn't Care about the fish you already have, You wouldn't have Posted.

As for your Plants thats personal Preference, Since you've had Both Plastic and Live you already know the Pros and Cons of both.

I Hope this Helped :rolleyes:
Thx for the help. I have reaserached rams and they are perfect for my aquarium even though they are chiclids. I will get a groumaie and see how it works out. Do u think it is possible to keep artificial and live plants both? And can i get pleco (prob a zebra pleco is in my budget) because i really need a tank cleaner.
Thx for the help. I have reaserached rams and they are perfect for my aquarium even though they are chiclids. I will get a groumaie and see how it works out. Do u think it is possible to keep artificial and live plants both? And can i get pleco (prob a zebra pleco is in my budget) because i really need a tank cleaner.

Yes you can have Both Live and Artificial Plants.

This is as I said a Personal Preference. It's all depending How much of a Natural Look that your trying to achieve.
Glad to see you've already Researched it Out, About the Rams That takes Care of that Part. "GOOD JOB"

If you want a Natural Look: then all live would be the Best Way.
If you want a Colorful Display then all Plastic is the way to Go.
But a Mixture of Both Live and Plastic can also Be Beautiful as well.

In this Area it's all Personal Taste, as long as it's not going to be detrimental To the Fish.
But I know you already know this. :)

As far as getting a Pleco I don't see why it would Hurt, as Long as you Only get one as these Fish too can Grow to 12" or more.
As well.

One of my Tanks is Setup with Both Live and Plastic Plants.
The Fish really for the most Part don't Care.

That's unless you want to also Keep a Snail or Two, then there's a good chance they'll Choose you Live Plants for a Good Snack.

My Snail loves to do this, Makes my Wife mad because she likes the Live Plants better.
But I can't get Mad at the Snail for doing what Comes Natural to him.

But I did figure out that I could eliminate almost that Problem entirely by Putting in a Piece of Romaine every Couple of Days, And no the Snail Hardly looks at the Live Plants.

Once again Two Fold, The Romaine gives my snails what they need from the Vegetation, Without Wiping out my Live Plants, and My other fish Nibble on it as well, And that as well is Good for the Fish.

But I want to Thank You for Researching this instead of Just going Out and doing what seems right.
Because not doing your Research will only lead to Unneeded Suffering by the Fish.

Keep Up the Good Work. :thumbs:
K thx for the help every1. It really made a differnce.
Hi Fish Dude, may I suggest a Honey Gouramy to your tank? They do well in a community tank. Not very aggressive at all. One will add a bright yellow color to your community tank. As far as plecos I would go for a bushynose pleco. I have had several and they are by far one of the best plecos for cleaning your tank :)
Sounds good to me. Ill be gettng a honey gourmie for sure and the pleco. Thx a lot :)

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