What fish should I stock?


New Member
Dec 26, 2022
Reaction score
keller, tx
This is a more for fun question as I really have no idea what I want to stock! I have a 29 gallon which 3 guppies and 3 Cory catfish. I upgraded recently ish so I do plan on getting AT LEAST 2 maybe 3 more cory's for the tank. Besides that im completely clueless on what fish i should stock. I have no preferences except maybe to have schooling fish and DEFINTELY no neon's. Besides that go ham with suggestions. I would like to note before ii list my quality water i have a fully plastic tank which i quickly realized after the upgrade is HORRIBLE so i will be slowly adding more natural driftwood (stripped don't want a lot of tannis), plants such as java moss, java ferns, and anubias.

Nitrate- basically 0 ppm (cant get exact but around there maybe a little higher
Nitrite- 0 ppm
pH- 7.0
KH-80 ppm
GH 120 ppm ( maybe a little more)

No read or test kits on ammonia

Go ham with any suggestions even centerpiece fish schooling fish whatever it could be just looking for a good looking stocking idea!
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Cory catfish should be in a group of 10 or more. A lot of people say 6 is a sufficient shoal. But studies are showing that it is not.
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There are so many options you can go with!! I love schools of little fish, particularly danios! I haven't kept any yet, but I love the looks of all of them! Also, make sure to do your research on any fish recommended, as I'm just listing names, and am not an expert on whether they would actually be compatible. With a 29 gallon, you could probably do maybe 8-10 schooling fish.
An option for you would be to add to your guppies, but I understand if you'd prefer to stay away from getting more. I agree that more Cories would be better. Do you have a good substrate for them?
Okay, here are some fish I really love:
Danios, whether its glowlight, zebra, leopard, or celestial pearl.
I have 10 cherry barbs and they bring so much life to my tank! I highly recommend them.
I hope you find the right fish to add!
There are so many options you can go with!! I love schools of little fish, particularly danios! I haven't kept any yet, but I love the looks of all of them! Also, make sure to do your research on any fish recommended, as I'm just listing names, and am not an expert on whether they would actually be compatible. With a 29 gallon, you could probably do maybe 8-10 schooling fish.
An option for you would be to add to your guppies, but I understand if you'd prefer to stay away from getting more. I agree that more Cories would be better. Do you have a good substrate for them?
Okay, here are some fish I really love:
Danios, whether its glowlight, zebra, leopard, or celestial pearl.
I have 10 cherry barbs and they bring so much life to my tank! I highly recommend them.
I hope you find the right fish to add!
okay thanks for the suggestion!

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