what fish should i get???

Jun 21, 2004
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Hey Everyone
what fish shouls i get and if you recomend any what type of tank will i need
and what plants will i need?
and tank keeping stuff i am just starting.

please help me!!!
:alien: :thumbs: 8) adam 8) :alien:
hi there

i am not much more than a newbie myself and still finding my feet, so cant really help on fish choice. If you post this in tropical chit chat or beginer questions i am sure you will get a good response.

there are plenty of knowledgable people who hang out there who will be willing to help you.

see you around :)
I would suggest a minimum of 30g for you tank. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) (2m, 4f), plus 4-5 corydoras (Corydoras paleatus) and a small group of Otto's (Ottocinclus affinis).
Since you're a beginner, I assume that you do not want to mess up with CO2 and stuff, thus, I strongly recommend to get some low "requirements" plants, such as Anubias, Java moss and Jave Fern.

Good luck with your tank... ;)
ermmm...start wit about a 20g tank...plastic plants..(u can always replace these later when ur more experienced) and im not sire bt fish..look at other posts :thumbs:
Just to add more confusion, i think you should start with a 55 gallon if you can afford it. It sounds like a lot, but the 55s aren't really all that big, but you'll have a much wider range of choices than with a smaller tank, and the water chemistry is more stable and easier to deal with in a larger tank. Otherwise as soon as you get a smaller tank set up and stocked, you'll realize that you want a bigger one.
Hehe Luxum, ain't that the truth. The bigger the better I always say. If you can afford it, get it!
Luxum is so right. I say get the biggest tank you can afford and have space for. Choose what fish you like the look of best, and then choose other species that you like which will fit itn well.
My problem exactly, I just bought a 5 gallon, and now I realize that ONE of my paychecks can cover a full setup for a 50 gallon. :( One year I can get it, when I move... One....year....
Hi fish_are_friends_not_food :)

By now I suspect you might be totally confused from all these answers. :S

What kind of aquarium did you have in mind? What gave you the idea to start keeping fish? It would be helpful if we had some idea what you might like so that we can make useful suggestions.

Is your budget large or small? :dunno:

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