What fish should I buy next?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
When the time comes, what fish do you guys think I should get next? My current set-up is in my signature. Some I had in mind are: Betta, Cherry Barb, Golden Barb, Oto Catfish, Punctatus Cory, Harlequin Rasbora and Red Wag Swordtail. Any of these? Or any others? Suggestions and advice greatly appreciated! Thanks! :thumbs:

Well if I were you I would check out some Cory Cats because they are amazing.. If you get them get a group of 3+
I'll see if my LFS has some. They seem like really great fish!

Any other ideas? How about some Dwarf Puffers? Those things are sooo cute!
My LFS has a few varieties of Cories, so I plan to pick up at least 3 of those within the next couple of weeks.

Any other ideas?
do you mean more fish for your 20 gallon? I would stick with just 3 cory's as your blood parrot is going to get extremely large and you will have to upgrade if you want to keep him....just my opinion though :)

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