hi i got this fish from a local pet shop i was told it was a parrot fish but after looking on here im not to sure i was wondering if anyone could identify it for me im not to botherd as he is a sweet little thing i onlt payed £5.00 for him as thay neded the tank he was in a 1ft show tank and he is about 6" long he was realy pale when i got him but i put him in my 32" jewel and he pulled up all my plants so i went out and got him a 4ft tank and got him some friends he is now starting to go very yellow with a black triagle on his fin he has realy blue eyes they were black he seems happy now digging all the gravle up from the back of the tank and moveing it to the frount as if he is building a wall its so funny to watch well here he is my little digger