What Fish Is It?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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Can someone tell me what fish this is as I am describing it in a different forum but need to know what it is before my stocking quiestions can get answered.

A golden chinese algea eater???????

Spot on. Golden CAE.

You probably know but they get quite nasty when they mature, they move away from algae as their food of choice and move on the eyes and slime coats of their tankmates. :crazy:
I have two of those! Yep, they are golden algae eaters. They do chase fish occasionally, but they aren't too aggresive. I only saw my GAE suck on another fish once, and that was because it was sick and he thought it was head. :X They get to be about 2.5 inches long and like caves.
These guys are so cute when they're young but I had one of mine kill my other CAE I think. I got suspicious of it so I gave it away
I thought mine killed my panda cory, :/ but I am not sure. Mine got to be more than 8 inches long. She got really aggresive. :( I still liked her though :)
Behind it... that's either a False flying fox or a true flying fox....

either way, they'll probably conflict a lot when they get bigger.

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