what fish in this section of the forum could


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
i was thinking of small fishlike tetras or somthing if i cant add anything worth while just say so . i want shoaling fish but i dont think my tank is big enough even after i have to get rid of my sailfin :byebye:
I have danios that school and are a very fun fish to watch. I believe most tetras school unless they feel completely safe and healthy. Schooling is a sign of stress, at least for most tetras.
As you probably know, you have to find the sailfin a new home regardless of whether or not you add a school of fish.

Once that sad chore is done, you should certainly be able to add a small shoal (6) of (please note this important adjective...) non-nippy tetras or other schoolers. I'd avoid most danios only because they have a reputation for nipping at easy targets. Platys and Mollys definitely count as that...

And to throw in my $0.02, if you want the best schooling behavior, you can't go wrong with harlequin rasboras.
i know every one tells me that i need to get rid of him :byebye:. any way i wo=as considering harlequins. what about cherry barbs?
mypapercuthurts said:
i know every one tells me that i need to get rid of him :byebye:. any way i wo=as considering harlequins. what about cherry barbs?

Sure. Cherry barbs aren't really a shoaling fish per se, but they're definitely a great fish and you could probably have a trio (1M:2F) or maybe even 2M:4F, depending on your filtration, water changes, etc. They shouldn't be nippy, but keep an eye on them just in case.

Good luck! :thumbs:
Cherry Barbs are not shoaling fish. In nature, they are quite solitary. 2 males in a small tank may well fight. A true pair, or trio 1m 2f works best.

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