What Fish Have You Been After For So Long


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
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Victoria Australia
I would love to know fellow fish keepers "dream" fish that they have been trying to track down for a long time but never found.

Mine would be a variety of Loaches as Australia doesn't get the best selection.
Regular old Kuhli Loaches in the midwest. Not the all-black kind, the ones that have tiger-like markings. I've checked 5 of my closest LFS and online, can't find a dang place that sells them :( .
wow... German Blues not around your area...they are so easy to find where I live.

Haven't seen cockatoo's though sadly
I bought two german blues, but that was because they were 3.50 each, instead of seven. And I would like to get 'em from a chain store since mom and pop stores don't have guarantees, and these are less than hardy fish.
actually, my issue isn't finding the fish, it's that the ones i want the most the LFS owner still has up in his fish room for breeding and they aren't for sale yet.

They include (but are not limited too -lol-) lamprologous ocellatus golds, killis, scarlet badis, and blackchin livebearers
ive never seen a bristlenose pleco, i want one of those so bad or any plec that doesnt get HUGE!
top of my wish list since starting this hobby are
Devario regina queen danio
ilyodon lennoni or ataeniobus toweri- a peaceful goodeid that can cope with tropical temperatures

Amazing that there are places where you can't find bristlenoses- they're all over the place here!
yeah I don't think there's ever been anything I'm really struggling with. Just look online if I can't find it in LFS's. Also it helps were quite good mates with the bloke at the lfs, and his supplier is his brother, so it's pretty easy for him to just order us whatever we want.

A beautiful discus! Only one FS in my area has them but i'm on a tight budget and don't want to pay $170 CAD ($150 US), for one.:(
There are hundreds of tiger coloured stripy Khuli Loaches around here.... strange that they seem so common here but so rare in other areas!

I would like some nice zebra plecos but i dont think I would be able to afford the 3 or 4 necessary for them to enjoy themselves!

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