What Fish Go With Crabs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
West Midlands UK

I want to get a crab for my tank and so want to know what fish i can put with it that wont kill each other?
only got a small tank and so i know not much will be able to go in but really want a crab and a few fish with it.
The tank is 10Gallons, its my second tank and this is why want a crab in this one. Thanks in advance.

Oh and what do i need to get to feed crabs.
Sorry for all the questions :S
I dont know about crabs, but my brother put a lobster into his 180 litre tank, and kept finding fish dead or missing, it was the lobster, he appeared docile in the day, but as soon as the lights went out, he darted around the tank, nipping everything in sight, needless to say, my brother had to take the lobster back to the LFS, we even named him " Sebastian " Lmao....

Good Luck

Claire xx
I think you might find that crabs do not go well in fish tanks, but I'll move your thread to the Invertebrates and Amphibians forum where you are more likely to get an answer from someone who keeps them. :D
we have a red clawed crab in our tank, shes in with bala sharks, clown loach, torpedo barbs, silver dollars and a few tetras (everyone is still small) we have no problems with her at all, i know once she gets bigger we could start having problems, but at the moment she leaves the fish alone and they leave her alone.

you have to be careful that there are no fish in the tank that have long fins, as the crab will crab onto the fins..

you also need to make sure that the crab can get out of the tank! ours climbs up the heater, and sits on teh powerhead, which is where we pub her food, just means the fish don't eat it.. we feed her on hikari crab cuisine, which contains the essential calcium they need to help maintain thier shell!

our tank is 50 gal, and so there is quite a lot of ground space, we are soon moving all of them to a 170 gal tank!!

you can see a pic of my crab on the non-fish photo section.. she's called claw-dia!!

good luck!!
In that size tank I wouldn't suggest you put any fish in with a crab, they have not got enough room to escape easily, their life would be in danger all the time. Crabs eat most things, mussels, fish, etc, but I really would suggest you keep them in a species only enviroment.
The crabs you find in petshops are actually fiddler crabs, which should be kept in brackish water (1 1/2 to 2 tsps of salt per gallon)--they don't usually last very long in freshwater. A 10 gallon should be enough, but keep it in a 3/4 setup--3/4 water, 1/4 land. Sand works best because they like to burrow. If they are kept without land, they get rather stressed out and are much more likely to attempt escape if given even the slightest chance. Provide them with a few rocks/plants/other hiding spots. They are also happier kept in pairs; the males are the ones with the one really big claw, females just have the two smaller ones. As for food, they are scavengers and will eat most anything you give them but will happily jump at the chance to snatch up any live food--including any fish you may put in there. They would probably do best on a high-protein diet.

Hope that helps!
Small crabs should do well with bigger fish like bala sharks. :nod:
I do not recommend getting bigger crabs though. :no:
In fact it is better not to keep fish with crabs.

Good info Valkyrie! :nod:
I just discovered mine with one of my little peppered corys in its claws and that was in a 62uk gallon tank so the wee brute is going back to the lfs this week :X

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