What fish get along best?


rupp 5

I am new with fish and I'm getting a 29 gallon tank. I need to know which fish get along with each other best so I can avoid fights. I want three fish (not including algae eater(s)) What fish would you reccomend for this size tank that would live in harmony? I want colorful, lively fish.

Thank You Very Much
:dunno: :dunno:
If you want colour and movement you could go for a school of some sort of tetra. For algae eaters you could go for a group of otos or one of the much smaller algae eating plecs, perhaps even a farlowella.

Why do you want specifically 3 fish? Does that mean 3 individuals or 3 types? How high is your tank? I am not sure it's going to big enough for angels IMO, perhaps koi but it'd be pushing it I think.

What sort of fish do you like?

Oh and of course :hi: to the forum and to the fish-keeping world.
Yes, the tetras sound good, I dont know why I wanted 3 fish, but now I changed my mind. Will 15 small tetras be good for this tank? And a couple of algae eaters ( the smaller types ) ?
15 tetras would look very nice but would take up a fair amount of space in the tank, I suppose it depends how small they are. 15 neons or cardinals would look fantastic and they do not produce a lot of waste.

You might want another fish to go in there too as the tetras I have metioned are small and may people want a 'centrepiece' fish. Perhaps like gourami or a group of rainbowfish. However, that's not something you need to think about now, you want to add the fish gradually anyways so you can think about what looks nice at the time, once you have learned what's out there too. ;)

How is your tank likely to be furnished? Plecs like at least some wood to take refuge in the day and otos (very small, gorgeous algae eating plecs) like plants in their home.

you could go for any small schooling fish ie tetras, platys, or a mixture of them both with maybe a small group of corys @ the bottom

a very warm welcome to the forum you will love it :p
Can someone post a picture of a rainbowfish so I can see what it looks like?
:D ok, i got a lot of input and i think im just gunna look around and see wut corys and platys look like and do you think 5 corys 7 platys and maybe a gourami.
Well, with platies you could end up with a lot more than youbargained for because they are livebearers. Are you looking to breed them? If not, then you shoud get only one sex because they do not need any encouragement.

Try here for pics and info on different cories. Some are more available than others but it is good reference material. And while I am at it, look here for the small algae eating oto I mentioned earlier

Hope this helps.
Okay I might just go with 4 corys, and 3 female and 1 male platy and have them have children. Then, I will add more fish as I go along.

Okay I might just go with 4 corys, and 3 female and 1 male platy and have them have children. Then, I will add more fish as I go along.


Sorry about double-post. :dunno:

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