what fish for my 29 gal?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2004
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hey wassup? 2morrow is my bday n im gettin a 29 gal w/ the accessories, whats sum good fish 2 start with 4 a beginnere that r gonna look pretty n help me out w/ my new experience? could u tell me wha fishes n how many 2 put? the advice is greatly apreciated :-D B)
guppies would probably be best for an absolute beginner. i have never kept them but they are meant to be very hardy. same with platies and other livebearers.
zebra danios are also good for beginners i believe

edit: happy birthday for tomorrow :p
If you're getting the tank tomorrow, you've got some time to consider fish choices. At the very least, you need to set up the tank, filter, heater, etc and let them run for a couple of days to make sure everything is working normally, the water clears up, and the tank is sound.

Even after that, please consider Fishless Cycling for your tank. This process takes between 10 days and 4 weeks and generally makes your tank safe and ready to add all of your fish sooner than if you cycle the tank with a small number of hardy fish. It will also take a great deal of stress off of you as a beginning fishkeeper. Just read the hundreds of threads on this forum by new fishkeepers struggling with fish deaths during cycling to give you an idea of the pitfalls. Cycling with fish can be done, but IMO, it's not worth it.

Regardless of whether you cycle with or without fish, don't get your full stock of fish right away.

Ok... caveats out of the way, here are some suggestions for good beginner/community fish. I name these fish for several reasons:
1. They are generally peaceful. Avoid aggressive fish or fin nippers.
2. They don't get too large for a small community tank.
3. They don't have specialized water quality or feeding needs.
4. They are commonly available and relatively inexpensive.
5. They are more forgiving of water quality issues than most fish.

Schooling fish:
harlequin rasbora
danios (zebra, pearl, etc) (CAN be a bit nippy)
barbs (gold, cherry) (NOT tigers though)
rainbowfish (these guys get bigger than the other schoolers, but are very attractive)

Bottom Dwellers:
Coryadoras catfish (many people's favorite fish)
bristlenose plec or other SMALL catfish (don't get a common plec!)

Centerpiece/other good fish:
Gourami (dwarf, honey, or Pearl are all good choices to start) I love Pearl Gourami.
Livebearers (guppies, platys) If you don't want lots of fry, don't get livebearers. ;)

Once your tank has been up and running for several months and you're more comfortable as a fishkeeper, you might consider:
Loaches (not clown loaches, too big)
Tetras (some are more sensitive than others)
dwarf cichlids of the Apistogramma genus

Hope this helps! :thumbs:

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