What Fish Eat Cucumber?

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Nearly all of the fish I have had, have had a go at cucumber in the past (and other veg......I put pumpkin in last year too).

That said, the livebearers (mollies, platys, endlers etc) all seem to like to have a go.......my convicts are partial to it from time to time......my bristlenoses will kill for cucumber.....

As for the skin............well, some say that you should remove it.....as you don't know what was put on it during its growth (chemicals and the like).....but ours are "Allotment" grown (as with our squashes) and go in in thick slices skin and all. I find that the skin keeps the shape of the slice and is easier to remove once chewed... :D
Goldish also will eat it, much like they will eat fresh veg.

Unless it's a sole carnivore, then it is safe to assume it will try a bit of the green stuff.
Cucumber contains almost no food value at all. Only the skin is worth eating!

I use zuchinni (courgette) instead and my plecs & loaches seem to prefer it.
SirMinion said:
Cucumber contains almost no food value at all. Only the skin is worth eating!

I use zuchinni (courgette) instead and my plecs & loaches seem to prefer it.

Interesting. I havent tried either, so I might try the zuchinni..how big a piece you put in there and do leave it in there until its gone?

corysand clown loaches do i suppose red tail sharks will have a go and other sharks, the best bet is to say nearly all bottom feeders will have a go at it, also try a bit of blanched lettice on a clip i keep the skin on as sometimes the fish eat some of that aswell.
also put a fair sized chunk in there id say the thinkness of 2 fingertips or how much they can eat in 1 day you will be ables to work it out on day.

no fish are freaks let me point that out they are "unique" just because they do barrel rolls in the water (i had a goldfish that did that it was cute) or doesnt eat what they are supposed to doesnt turn them into a freak.
did you shell the peas before giving your fish them may i ask?
Like others have said, Plecs obviously, my Cory's will pick at it as will my bengal loaches but I've even seen my neon tetra picking at it.

I also have a Betta tank and I put some in there for the apple snail and the Betta will pick at it too, odd really cos he wont eat anything other than frozen bloodworm.

I would also agree with Sir_Minion, I use courgette rather than cucumber, I actually tried both side by side, the cucumber was barely touched.

I leave the skin on always, but I wash it thoroughly 1st and then blanche it to soften it up a bit. Some say to cut the centre out and remove the pips, but I tend to leave it in now and the lot gets eaten.

My red crab used to love it, it was very entertaining watching him chew the edges off so it would fit it into his castle. very cute.
dawney g
My otos and false SAE love cucumber - so much so the false SAE wriggles around like Jaws on the end of a chunk of meat, trying to chew it :lol:
My fish love it - harlequins, bettas (especially the females) tetras (columbian, neon, diamond) guppies ADORE it, platties love it, plec loves it, algae eating shrimp loves it, ummm!!!
Courgette is very popular too as is peas!
SirMinion said:
Cucumber contains almost no food value at all. Only the skin is worth eating!

I use zuchinni (courgette) instead and my plecs & loaches seem to prefer it.

Same here, I use zuchinni, the fish seem to prefer it, and most fish will peck at it some.

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