what fish can i get

i luv corys

New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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in my juwel rekord 70 tank i have
5 cardinal tetras
6 corys
3 bettas
1 bristlnose
4 red eyed tetra
5 harlequins
3 swordtails
an 2 black widows

what else can i get so i wont overstock that will go well with these fish
i was thinking about gettin 2 clown loaches and 5 more cardinals but would that take the levels too high

ps the reason im writing in the begginer bit is because it wont let me posat it in tropical chat :S
This questioin is already being addressed in the Chit Chat section. You should not double post. Try to keep all your questions to one post in one thread :)
Just to quickly answer your question if you cannot for some bizarre reason post in chit-chat. No, do not add anymore fish. Clown loaches can reach 12", you are already really overstocked, approximately 4 times the recommended level. I would advise you decide on which fish you desperately want to keep, then find a new home for the other fish making sure if you keep any shoaling fish they are kept in shoals etc.

I don't see the thread in chit chat, but I'd like to ask if those bettas are males? If they are, they need to be pulled out of there immediately and separated. If they are females, they need at least one more to keep from nipping each other to death. You might want to just pull them out and separate them. That would help with your overstocking.
Sounds like you are over stocked as it is for a nearly 15gal.
remove the bettas they should be kept in their own tanks or they will fight each other

probly how they got the name siamese FIGHTING fish just so ya no
Yes i agree then you won't be so over stocked.
I don't see why you have started this thread again, other than the fact that you didn't like the answer you got in the other forum and have decided to ignore the advice you were given. :grr:
To be fair - the thread wasn't started "again" - it was posed more or less exactly the same time as the other one - but just in different sections under different names. This one just didn't get very many responses. This thread should probably be closed as it's a mute point and already discussed on the other thread.

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