What fish can I get?


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Wheeling, WV
Hi all....well, my tank finally cycled about 2 weeks ago....ammonia and nitrites remain at zero and nitrates are 10. It has been about 3 weeks since my last fish died (probably from the nitrite spike I had) I added the 2 balloon mollies and the algae eater a week ago today...and traded my male opaline gourami (He was very mean) for another male opaline...who seems great in the tank, very peaceful...YEAH! anyway, I have checked ammonia & nitrite levels daily and have not seen any rise with the 3 added fish....levels remail at zero. So, would like to get a couple more fish....what would go good? Thanks
You could and should add more barbs and tetras. Not all barbs are nippy, but it's best to make sure that it doesn't happen. And, of course, tetras are schooling fish...

Don't overdo it, though. I'm not sure how many ppm your nitrates should be, but you're bordering, IMO, in that 38.

Do you have a quarantine tank in case something bad happens to the tank? it's always good to invest in one. :D
German blue rams :D They are very pretty fish and they do not get that big. Prettiest fish in my tank. :cool:

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