What Fish Can I Fit In A 150L Tank


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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just got a new tank and need some fish most catfish or corydory will be nice.and I have sand substraight. ^_^
The obvious choice would be Corydoras especially as you have sand substrate. Another choice would be a group of pitbull plecs or bulldog/rubber nose plecs. Bristlenoses would be ok too!
:eek:ok I will think about geting those fish.and where do you get you wood from can you get the wood at a creek. :eek:
What are the dimensions?

(Yes, please fish-less cycle before adding the fish!)
The wood will be fine, give it a good scrub with some hot water before you place it in the tank though.
You could do an all catfish setup in a tank that size, including Otos; midwater swimming "pygmy" cory species; Pitbull Catfish; Shadow Catfish etc.

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