What Fish Can I Add


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Jan 8, 2015
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I am currently setting up a 190l tank, fully equipped with filter and heater. I already have some fish from an old tank i plan on moving over (6neon Tetras, 2male platties, 2bristle nosed catfish, a zebra loach and a ruby shark) all of these fish have lived together fine, except for bickering among the platties. I was wondering if the tank would be large enough for me to add any other fish, and if so, which larger breeds are suitable to put with the neon's. The tank will ba mainly false plants, but going to have some moss and one or two real plants, along with an airation stone.
Thanks in advance.
It's tough to find a larger fish that will be compatible with the neons, but you could try looking into smaller species of gourami. I'm surprised the shark hasn't caused any problems yet, keep an eye on him
Can you let us know your water parameters please?  Temperature and pH.
Water parameters as Far_King mentioned will help, as your present stock is going in two different directions concerning parameters, and this impacts fish health.
Depending upon the answer, it would be best to first increase a couple of the exisiting species to provide more of what they expect, which will reduce stress and thus improve their health.  The neons could use a few more (six is always touted as minimum, but that is because sometimes the absolute minimum is critical; the more there are of shoaling fish the better).  But more importantly, the loach needs a group.  At least five, though four can sometimes work, but five or six would be best.  But here we come to the species...if this is Botia striata, then five or six would be best and you have the space.  I am assuming a 190 litre tank is going to be at least 90 cm (3 feet) in length.  However, if this is a larger species (common names are confusing), maybe not.
Loaches need lots of chunks of wood (preferably), containing crevices and tunnels.  Each loach must find its own "home."  This is a highly social group of fish, but also territorial.
Brodeur30 has raised a very good point respecting the "shark."  I don't know the present tank size, but this affects aggressiveness in many species, just as numbers do in shoaling fish.  Individual fish within the shark species also vary, but be prepared to move him out if trouble begins.  The stress this causes to other fish is not always apparent visually.

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