What Fish Can Go With Angelfish?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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I have a mate who needs an answer this question but she can't find much on the tinterweb.
So, what fish can live peacefull and full term with fully grown angelfish without being eaten, nipped or nipping.
Tank size would help alot, festivums are peaceful and can be kept with them, aswell keyhole cichlids, larger tetra's like black skirt tetra, bueno aires tetra's, bristlenose plecs, but as said tank size depending
Thank you so much. Didn't relly need to put a tank size as it's for a bit of homework she's doing so she's doing some research. You've just helped out a lot, thank you!!!
I don't know if this is common or not but i have an angelfish in a 29 gallon and his best friend is my blue gourami!
ive kept those two with black phantom and serpae tetras that worked really well, just i started to notice my serpaes nipping my angels fin so i ditched tetras all together, the phantoms i could have kept just i only had 4 and wasnt interested in any more ( they schooled with my 4 serpaes)
Firemouths are a shot as long as niether of them are breeding, I'm currently keeping them with mine, generally what you will find with compatibility is that if they are two fish in a tank, one is a bottom dweller, one a mid-region then they won't be much conflict. I have learned this from personal experience, angels can be rather aggresive. Mid-regions tend to occasionally nip top region swimmers (dianos are a good example) angels are mid-water. Basically your looking for any tempermental or semi-aggresive bottom dweller (NO AGGRESIVE) for instance don't choose a red tail shark because they can be very aggresive and sometimes swim midwater, or on the other hand your looking for a tough but peaceful mid-water fish, but with angels I wouldn't reccomend any top-region fish
Firemouths are a shot as long as niether of them are breeding, I'm currently keeping them with mine, generally what you will find with compatibility is that if they are two fish in a tank, one is a bottom dweller, one a mid-region then they won't be much conflict. I have learned this from personal experience, angels can be rather aggresive. Mid-regions tend to occasionally nip top region swimmers (dianos are a good example) angels are mid-water. Basically your looking for any tempermental or semi-aggresive bottom dweller (NO AGGRESIVE) for instance don't choose a red tail shark because they can be very aggresive and sometimes swim midwater, or on the other hand your looking for a tough but peaceful mid-water fish, but with angels I wouldn't reccomend any top-region fish

Your just quoting from what people had told you two days ago

Wait you mean on the compatibillity chrisis? Am I? Haha sorry sometimes I get told things but I don't know who told me, then I will post on a forum :D haha thanx for telling me where thAt came from
dunno about that cause its wrong fish dont always attack from below

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