Sorry to Make Two Threads Close Together - could the other be deleted please?
I have one Fancy Black Moor Goldfish In My 6 gallon tank with filter and a live oxygenaiting plant hich may be horntwart (the shop guy said this was fine in an aquarium) my black moor is only 1" long (body length) i know he will outgrow the tank but when he gets bigger he will be moved into a larger tank. And i was wandering, if any, what fish would happily live together with no fighting, and also would the fancy just eat any shrimp i put in? (sorry if this is a newbie question, im new to this stuff)
Could you guys please list any fish or shrimp or others that would happily live with my fancy
THANKS in advance
I have one Fancy Black Moor Goldfish In My 6 gallon tank with filter and a live oxygenaiting plant hich may be horntwart (the shop guy said this was fine in an aquarium) my black moor is only 1" long (body length) i know he will outgrow the tank but when he gets bigger he will be moved into a larger tank. And i was wandering, if any, what fish would happily live together with no fighting, and also would the fancy just eat any shrimp i put in? (sorry if this is a newbie question, im new to this stuff)
Could you guys please list any fish or shrimp or others that would happily live with my fancy
THANKS in advance