Fish Crazy
The filter i got with my hex tank is perfect.it doesnt procuce a strong current. and kogen loves playing in it!
im getting 2 new tanks on monday,(which means 2new bettas!) they come with stingray filter's. its a coldwater setup but i can just add heaters.
Q-are these stingray filters suitable for bettas? i know plakats are more tollerant of a current, but just in case i get CT's or HM's..
I would ask at the shop where i am getting them from but i wouldnt trust them as far as i could throw them...people in the uk could probable guess what pet store im talking about. they really havent got a clue.
im getting 2 new tanks on monday,(which means 2new bettas!) they come with stingray filter's. its a coldwater setup but i can just add heaters.
Q-are these stingray filters suitable for bettas? i know plakats are more tollerant of a current, but just in case i get CT's or HM's..
I would ask at the shop where i am getting them from but i wouldnt trust them as far as i could throw them...people in the uk could probable guess what pet store im talking about. they really havent got a clue.