What Filters Do You Use?


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Warrington UK
The filter i got with my hex tank is perfect.it doesnt procuce a strong current. and kogen loves playing in it!

im getting 2 new tanks on monday,(which means 2new bettas!) they come with stingray filter's. its a coldwater setup but i can just add heaters.

Q-are these stingray filters suitable for bettas? i know plakats are more tollerant of a current, but just in case i get CT's or HM's..

I would ask at the shop where i am getting them from but i wouldnt trust them as far as i could throw them...people in the uk could probable guess what pet store im talking about. they really havent got a clue.

Danny :fish:
how many guesses? just one.!..petsmart/pets at home or whatever it is called near you. :lol: do I win?
I have an elite filter in one of my betta tanks and it is fine- after a little modifications :p
Put a pair of tights covering a sponge over the bit the current comes out
i use pennplax small world filters they are great, they are about 10cm tall and about 3cm wide. Bottom bit has filter wool in and top half has carbon pellets and some sort of rock in it and it just plugs into your air pump :)
yeah liz is the winner.lol :hooray:

pets at home are absolutely useless...it takes the mickey when you see someone going around with a paper bag filling it with dead fish :/

so i should dampen the filter current?
I had to take my stingray out as the betta who had it was attacking the bubbles for all he was worth and the currrent was too strong too. Like a previous poster, I've set up several of those little plastic box type with a small air pump for a 5 gallon tank--the smallest available. I've been tying the tubes a bit to reduce the current and a clothespin would do as well to tie it back a bit. You can change the wool stuff that looks like cotton and the charcoal at the bottom. They check the bubbles out but don't go so crazy on them.

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