What Filter Do You Use?


Sep 29, 2004
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South Australia

I was just wondering what kind of filters everyone has in their Betta tanks?

I think I am about to set up another tank (My wife fell in love with an almost black short tailed boy) and I am trying to decide. I have a small interal filter on my one betta tank now. I have a tiny internal filter (not in use) and a spare sponge filter (already cycled in community tank) but the tiny HOB filters look ok too. I was also fantasizing about a tiny sump setup :hey: . The tank will probably be a 12"x8"x8".

Thanks for info in advance.
I run sponge filters in my tank, more for economy but also cause they don't cause quite the sort of strong current a mechanical filter does.
on my 30 gallon sorority tank I have the standard HOB filter that came with the tank in the set up... same goes for the 10 gallon with my elderly male, and in my 5.5 i have a Whisper In Tank filter (the one for 2-10 gallon size) and in my one gallon critter tote things I don't have any filters.
Thanks. Do the bubbles disturb the betta? Since they like to make their own bubbles. I think I might go for the sponge filter since if I use that the some subratrate and water from my community tank it should be ready to go.
to answer your question about if bubbles disturb bettas, the answer is yes. you also want to stay away from any strong current in the tank. male bettas, especially, have a hard time swimming against the current because of their long fins, and bettas are from the still and slow moving waters of rice paddies.

In my 30 gallon long sorority, i have an AquaClear 50 (HOB) that has been fitted with a DIY water deflector. I keep the filter on low, and i have the intake covered with filter sponge (I have Eco-Complete substrate). There is almost no current in the tank. All of my males are being temporarily housed in one gallon bowls until I can get their tanks divided and set up.
ah yes, forgot to mention i have a DIY current killer on both of my HOB filters... I do have an airstone in my 30 gallon, since I'm fairly sure the Pleco's need airation? Anyways, its in one corner and my girls love playing in it... they'll 'ride' the current to the top to get a breath, instead of swimming. XD lazy fishes.
ive got a stingray filter, the smallest one in my betta tank. If the tank were smaller, i'd go with a simple sponge filter.

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