What Fertilizer And Where To Get It From?


New Member
Oct 14, 2006
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Hi guys! What fertilizers are u using? I have CO2 and 3x 54W lights, and my tank is about 200l soft water and some red-leaved plants. Which fertilizer will be the best, and where to buy it from? I heard Tropica Mastergrow is a good one, what do you think?
Hi guys! What fertilizers are u using? I have CO2 and 3x 54W lights, and my tank is about 200l soft water and some red-leaved plants. Which fertilizer will be the best, and where to buy it from? I heard Tropica Mastergrow is a good one, what do you think?

where are you from???

I import mine from Gregs in the states, much cheaper than anywhere in the uk, you caan have red plants, just make sure you have the ferts as well :)
The ADA aqua soil coupled with power sand is the best money can buy (and it aint cheap)
if your in the uk then this site is like the bible
How you want to dose lardely depends on how much lighting you have and how heavily your tank is planted. Read the pinned article on the Estimative Index. I got my chemicals from gregwatson.com also. I dose homemade N, P, K everyother day, and on off days I dose Flourish and Flourish Iron with a 50% water change weekly.
I am in UK, thanks for info, reading all links you gave me

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