What equiment do I really need?


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Ok this is what is planed to get equiment wise so far,
New light 2x75 watts
Live Rock
RO powder
and some more sand
... anything Im missing?
Skimmer, power heads, test kits for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/ph (saltwater kits are different to FW) and if keeping corals, a calcium test kit. And of course the obvious bits, heater and filter.

what size tank? what type of lights are these "2x75"
I would get a refractometer instead of a hydrometer, refractometer is more accurate.
yep, i'd go for the refractometer, abit more expensive, but way better!.
As for equipment, it depends on the type of tank you want, reef?, fish only?(FO) fish only with live rock (FOWLR), invert tank???, then what do you want for filtration?, external, live rock ect, is it with or with-out a sump, are you going to skim ect....,then lighting depenss on the things just mentioned. you tell us what you want from your tank, and maybe an idea of you stocking list, and we'll do what we can to get you going in the right direction. It might seem alot of questions, and a bit daunting and a ball ache, but it will help you no end, and save you alot of money!, biggest thing of all....................................................................................................................

.PATIENCE!!!!!!! (something we all find VERY hard!!!)
Tank size 20 gallons and above.
2 ocellarois clownfish
8 hermit crabs
20 snails
And room for anything that might catch my eye.
I plan to keep my currunt tank freshwater, and buy another tank for saltwater. I alos plan for a bigger tank in the future, 85 gallon tank but thats for my clown loaches, which need a bigger tank asap, even though their only 1-2 inches.
I wouldn't go with a SW tank smaller than 40 gallons, especially as a starter tank. If I was going to go with a small SW tank as starter I would go with a 40 breeder tank reef ready, with the largest sump I could fit underneath the tank (at least a 20 gallon) Throw a 250 watt 14,000k MH on it, an aqua C remora skimmer, hang on back refugium with a ton of macro algae in it, three maxijet 1200 powerheads on a wave timer, and an aquaclear 500 powerfilter (empty) for some great consistant flow and a place to throw some carbon, a sump pump that can return that can handle the head pressure, but doesn't need to be very high gph since you are taking care of flow with powerheads and the aquaclear 500 (this will save you on the electric bill.) With the 250 watt MH light you will be able to keep almost anything as far as corals, and with the flow of the powerheads/aquaclear and use of a wavemaker you will have the water movement needed to keep everything happy. That's about it off the top of my head, I'm sure I forgot something, but someone else will chiime in as well. Keep in mind that a lot of the equipment I mentioned can be had for great deals used, ebay is the way!

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