yep, i'd go for the refractometer, abit more expensive, but way better!.
As for equipment, it depends on the type of tank you want, reef?, fish only?(FO) fish only with live rock (FOWLR), invert tank???, then what do you want for filtration?, external, live rock ect, is it with or with-out a sump, are you going to skim ect....,then lighting depenss on the things just mentioned. you tell us what you want from your tank, and maybe an idea of you stocking list, and we'll do what we can to get you going in the right direction. It might seem alot of questions, and a bit daunting and a ball ache, but it will help you no end, and save you alot of money!, biggest thing of all....................................................................................................................
.PATIENCE!!!!!!! (something we all find VERY hard!!!)