what else to feed


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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my betta fry are now 5 weeks old and i was woudering what else i can feed them untill i find out how to make my brine shrimp biggar?
would crushed flakes be okay for them ???
Just as long as it's for a very short time and if their receptive.

It should only take two days tops, so I wager it shouldn't be too bad.
@ 5 weeks they should be able to eat anything that a full grown betta can eat,only smaller. Get some Hikari bloodworms in the flat pack, break it in to tiny chunks than melt it in a cup with tank water, use an eye dropper to suck the melted bloodworms from the cup and squirt them in the tank a little bit at a time.

Same with frozen brine,except you shouldn't have to break them. They also go crazy for frozen daphnia at that age,or zooplankton.
I agree with Wuv, by that age you should be introducing them to adult foods. I think the frozen adult BS are great as they break apart into small pieces as well as the whole shrimp and they are easy for the babies to rip apart. At first they may not be sure what the stuff is, but if they are hungry one will eventually attack a piece and then the others see this and follow the lead, hehe. I also get live blackworms and I cut them up into little pieces with my fingernail in my palm then feed them those, they LOVE them! As they get bigger the less cutting I need to do. Once you get them on these foods you will really start to notice a growth spurt. I still put some BBS in for them at that age though especially since there is always a size difference and that allows the runts to get plenty of food (as they may just not be big enough yet for the adult food). Variety is what I shoot for at that age.


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