What Else To Add?


Fish Herder
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
cornwall uk
hi,i have now got in my 121 cm x 55cm x 41cm tank(jewel rio 240)

8 x congo tetras
12 x cardinal tetras
10 rummynose tetras(be arriving next week)

any suggestions on what else to add???

thanks in advance.
hi,i have now got in my 121 cm x 55cm x 41cm tank(jewel rio 240)

8 x congo tetras
12 x cardinal tetras
10 rummynose tetras(be arriving next week)

any suggestions on what else to add???

thanks in advance.

Something for the bottom? I am planning to keep a pair of bristlenoses in mine when it's cycled.
hi,i have now got in my 121 cm x 55cm x 41cm tank(jewel rio 240)

8 x congo tetras
12 x cardinal tetras
10 rummynose tetras(be arriving next week)

any suggestions on what else to add???

thanks in advance.

Definitely some bottom dwellers. A school of corys would be nice to go along with one of the smaller plec species.
slight change of plan.my brother in law had 12 various rainbows he no longer wanted(lucky me) so i put these in the tank today.my lfs owed me some credit so i got spme aggazzizi corys.

my stocking is now

8 x congo tetras
12 x cardinal tetras
12 x various rainbows
4 x aggazzizi corys

is there any room left to add any more fish??????
For your algae bottom crew, i would reccomend siamese algae eaters, they have a wonderful peaceful temperment and dont even seem to know the other fish are in the tank. They are also considered to be the best algae eating fish . :]

I bought some from here: ( http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_pages/...ter_siamese.htm ) and they shipped great. Don't confuse them with the more common chinese algae eaters though, as they arent as peaceful .

The rainbows look like a good choice, but they all grow to different sizes, what kind did you get?
there are

2 x praecox rainbows
2 x boesemani rainbows

i cant seem to find out what the other rainbows are.

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