I'm beside myself with frustration! My betta was getting quite ill, losing color, lots of waxy film appeared on top of the water, and FINALLY I figured out the cause--ammonia poisoning. I quickly bought a filter, did water changes faithfully, and no ammonia readings for weeks now, and color's coming back. Then as he's getting better (putting Melafix in tank, along with salt), I see specks of white, like salt. Oh no I say! Looks like the dreaded ICH. I treat him for that. But all he does is lay on the bottom of the tank. He eats like a little pig, but he is not swimming much--I think he doesn't like his filter. He's been in a 5 gallon heated tank w/live and fake plants.
I started treating him with Maracide 2 now in the hopes he doesn't get a secondary infection. Any other suggestions?
I started treating him with Maracide 2 now in the hopes he doesn't get a secondary infection. Any other suggestions?