What Else Is There To Do?


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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I'm beside myself with frustration! My betta was getting quite ill, losing color, lots of waxy film appeared on top of the water, and FINALLY I figured out the cause--ammonia poisoning. I quickly bought a filter, did water changes faithfully, and no ammonia readings for weeks now, and color's coming back. Then as he's getting better (putting Melafix in tank, along with salt), I see specks of white, like salt. Oh no I say! Looks like the dreaded ICH. I treat him for that. But all he does is lay on the bottom of the tank. He eats like a little pig, but he is not swimming much--I think he doesn't like his filter. He's been in a 5 gallon heated tank w/live and fake plants.

I started treating him with Maracide 2 now in the hopes he doesn't get a secondary infection. Any other suggestions? :huh:
Is his filter really low mine hate filters. They get ich when they have been ill..dont they..so perhaps if you treat the ich...he will get better...sorry not much help am I? Hope he will be OK. xx
Is his filter really low mine hate filters. They get ich when they have been ill..dont they..so perhaps if you treat the ich...he will get better...sorry not much help am I? Hope he will be OK. xx

What do you mean, low? Low current, or low to the bottom? It only has one speed as far as I can tell, and doesn't seem too strong at all.
They dont like water movement. One of mine had an air stone and the bubbles were really slow but he used to chase them then get stressed out. Can you put a valve on the air line so the filter is very quiet?
Mine have filters and take some time to get used to them. If he finds the water disturbance too much try putting an old piece of stocking/tights or similar over the outlet to lessen the flow and disapate how it releases. Usually these lil filters get slightly clogged very quickly even in betta tanks and the flow will slow after a few weeks on it's own but even then they can find it too much. Prickles, my red combtail hated his to start with but has now gotten used to it. Curly had his turned on only yesterday and hates it so far. :rolleyes: Ollie loves his. He actually swims against the current on purpose. :lol: He's become very fit and looks stunning for all the excersize and builds lovely nests too. :wub:
The girls have alot of current in their large tank and have never minded, they will play in both the currents (Two filters) when they wish but there's plenty of places to escape it.
Try to ensure there's several floating plants that'll cut the current too and that he can rest/sleep in. All my bettas love that. And Indian Almond leaf is another one that'll perk them up and the boys like to build nests on/under/around them too.
Best of luck.
Edit:I have one tank with no filter and that's my blind girls tank. But it's a 7g and she's not a hugely messy fish either. Actually the only thing that worries me is she seems a little loney yet I daren't move her in with the other girls with no vision. I don't want her to have to compete for her food when it can take her hours to find all she needs. Anyone got any ideas for a companion for her?
I'm planning to get some shrimp for one of my guys in several weeks. The LFS has some ghost shrimp for sale but I'm thinking red ones. 1) They are easier to see when I do a vac 2) They are really pretty!! Mine seems kind of lonely too. I've read they make good tankmates for Bettas. At least she could sense something was in there with her maybe.(?) The shrimp eat up algae and old food in the bottom so no competition. Thought I'd shoot that idea out to you.

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